
Plane” is surely the title they slapped on the film when they needed something for the books, and then never got around to replacing.

If you do it right, your fans will flock to your defense on the internet, claiming that the game is totally playable, since all they really wanted was an incomplete beta. 

Exactly - he knew his limitations, and that’s awesome! He realized that he’d have to give up some control over his passion project, and that he can’t do that.
Even if a game was ultimately produced, it would have been a misery for everyone involved.
To me that’s completely fair, if unfortunate for the people who were

Poor, naive Mr. Roberts... Cancel the Kickstarter? Non, non cher monsieur. You complete the kickstarter, then move the pledge system to a private platform. Make roadmaps which show playable monster parts and expanded in-gut universes, “procedurally generated, yet hand-crafted”. Sell Meat Armors and Skinwagons (that

sounds like its for the best.  i’ve tried to work with auteurs like this dude.  it’s a nightmare for everyone.  they can’t give up even the slightest amount of control, make any sort of compromise, and have to have a direct hand in everything even if they have no idea what it means, how to do it, or what it entails. 

Yeah, the suggestion that he’s retiring off of his Pokemon collection is ridiculous. Even if he’s down to $20M from his NFL career, he could spend $800,000 every year (4%) and still have $20M.

The implication that Blake is retiring from the NFL because of the money he’s making selling Pokémon cards seems a little baseless. He has over $25M in career earnings from playing in the NFL.

Your career should end if people that would be in your workplace feel unsafe around you and feel like you are a danger to others, or merely that you are a predatory sex-pest creep. In the lives of normal people your career can be ended because your boss doesn’t like your shoes, for some reason somebody who makes

Good on him, glad Seth isn’t dancing around the subject. James feels like a capsule of a certain type of predator from the 2000s. Him, John Mayer, Dane Cook, Chris Delia, all similar creepy white man vibes who think they are progressive.

Is it common for lobbyists to GIVE legislation to politicians? Like rather than politicians write it themselves and their team? That seems sketchy af.

Is it common for lobbyists to GIVE legislation to politicians? Like rather than politicians write it themselves and their team? That seems sketchy af.

It’s not that poor Epic isn’t making money. It’s that they aren’t making as much money as they could be making.

but don’t you understand?! the TOS shouldn’t apply to Epic because of reasons?!?!

Man Epic really is having a hard time taking responsibility for breaking the TOS. Let’s say this does pass though, I can see Apple etc just charging a large upfront fee or even a yearly hosting fee. 

When Homer was designing his dream car and said that every car should have that little ball on the antenna that helps you find yours in a crowded parking lot?

It was YEARS before I realized that that was a joke about what a terrible idea that would be.


Vincent Price actually has a grandson named Jody. There’s no real joke to it.

Crews good dude. No one in any aspect of the "crew" is making royalties off this movie. It could release or get shelved indefinitely or bomb. The key grip has been paid. 

Production crews don’t get hurt in this at all. They’ve already been paid. It’s the studios that don’t get the returns on their investments.

That... was supposed to be a joke? Like... what?

Word up. Just take a look at the main image for this article - does that look like a quality game? Look at their hair. Look how dumpy Cap is. They couldn’t get the licensing for the MCU versions, but they refused to let it go and come up with something truly their own, and so wound up with these bootleg knockoff