
So I’ve been really wanting to like this show. I loved the comic back when it initially ran, but the show has just failed to get my attention. I’ve got two unwatched episodes waiting for me, and zero motivation to actually watch them.

I’m fine with that a movie trying to emulate the look and feel of something of that era.

So many justified reasons for the hate:

It felt like Jenkins wanted to make an ‘80s-set Wonder Woman movie that looked and felt like it had actually been made in the early ‘80s.

The comic was great, but it did suffer a little bit from Star Trek syndrome, which is to say, I kept expecting them to discover a settlement where the women had re-invented themselves as 1930's Chicago gangsters...

So I’ve been really wanting to like this show. I loved the comic back when it initially ran, but the show has just failed to get my attention. I’ve got two unwatched episodes waiting for me, and zero motivation to actually watch them.

No surprise. I canceled it after the first 3 episodes , the world is devastated by half the population dying and the storytelling  is BORING ! and Yorick needs a smack!

It’s... not terrible, but it’s also not great, and a bit too worried about ironing out the parts of the original that have aged poorly.

This is FOX, so many Sci-Fi series cancelled before they had even finished airing their season.

Will Batman finally eat p*ssy this season?

I mean, I sat through all 4+ min of that. I like Dwayne Johnson, he’s definitely ‘got it’ as far as that whole movie star thing...

Justin Carter’s “In case you’re behind on this season of Titans like I am” might be the give-away here. Season 3 started really strongly, but then dropped away badly into a mess of nonsensical character motivations and meaningless plot beats. Characters have acted in a manner that entirely throws out all the

I still cannot get over the idea of STARTING the flash movies with Flashpoint, the story where you need to both know the character and his history AND be invested in what happens to the character.

The Flash tv show did the same thing first and without the cgi Ezra Miller.


Not really sure how much I am interested in this project, but I give all the props in the world to Dwayne Johnson for getting this done.  Now we just need Vin Diesel to get his Hannibal project made.

That just seems so far removed from the fighting-Nazis”

Just thinking about how in some cursed alternate universe there have probably already been three Indiana Jones spinoffs with Shia Labeouf as Henry Jones III. 

Indiana Jones 5: Curious about where this film will be set. Harrison Ford is 79. If the Crystal Skull took place in 1957 and the main character was 58 at that time, then if the character’s age matches Fords that would put this film set sometime around 1978-80ish. That just seems so far removed from the fighting-Nazis

Set the table for more sequels. That is always a sentence that terrifies me, since it screams we spent most of the movie seeding world building and didn’t actually focus on making the movie.