
You would have thought that asshole would have learned by now!

A time-traveling Barry Allen

Most of the spots show you absolutely NOTHING. Which is refreshing for a show...

I love me some Morning Spoilers, but at this point, I’m dodging any and all Wandavision stuff. It’s been a while since I enjoyed something enough to care about going into it fresh. I am mildly dead inside.

i am curious if they have 78 year old harrison ford playing 70 year old indiana jones (1969) or, like, 61 year old indiana jones (1960).

So Clarice takes place AFTER Silence of the Lambs but does NOT include Hannibal Lector. Got it. Cool. Great. SOOO glad we’re getting this instead of a long overdue Bryan Fuller adaptation.

Saw CLARICE in all-caps in that press release, and now I want it to be all about some sort of crime-fighting AI and not a Silence of the Lambs spinoff that couldn’t get the rights to Hannibal Lecter.

I think I might truly despise this genre of public domain adaptations; Peter Pan, King Arthur, Pinocchio, etc. Any fondness I used to have has been wrung from my body.

Spacey remains cancelled less because of what he did and more because he did it to men.

Only one I’ve seen stay canceled through all this is Spacey.

Fact is, anti-Semitism is not a deal-breaker for too many people, even in allegedly “Jewish-run Hollywood.”

I don’t wanna’ hear people bitch and moan about “cancel culture” when antisemitics like Mel Gibson keep getting work.

As much as I love the original, it’s hard for me to think of a movie I’m less excited about seeing.

I expect nothing from Mortal Kombat but, goddamn, that synopsis just sounds absolutely fucking atrocious.

Hey, anyone adapting a video game to film, if your main protagonist ISN’T a main protagonist from said game, YOU’VE ALREADY DONE FUCKED UP AS BADLY AS YOU COULD FUCK UP. Stop it.

As I have said many times. THIS SHOW WAS CANCELLED. That means the production is dissolved. DCUniverse even cut the episode order, so clearly, they were not excited by the results while in production. It was over and done with before the first episode ever aired on the CW. They could bring it back, but it would mean

Scream 5 getting dumped in January isn’t a great sign. I know Jan/Feb aren’t the dregs they used to be, but still makes me wonder if something went wrong there.

I suppose at least they learned something about Mars’ regolith for the next potential drill instrument on a lander.

That’s a huge bummer- I was hoping they’d make it work after all the work they put into it, but no doing because of that damned duricrust. I suppose at least they learned something about Mars’ regolith for the next potential drill instrument on a lander.

So you’re saying “Greenland Has Dropped?”

I have no problem with its visual aesthetic, or the casting, but conceptually they really did my Watch boys and girls dirty. I just can’t stand the dialogue, or the story.

I can’t speak to what all women want to see, but my wife (who absolutely loves Wonder Woman in all her incarnations) was turned off by the movie almost immediately just by the simple fact that Diana - one of the baddest bad asses of all time - was completely incapable of moving on with her life and still pining over a