
Observations made earlier this year from the SUBARU Telescope in Hawai’i”

“sent to the edge of the galaxy” to collect mysterious dust between Earth and Venus...

Doesn’t that mean we were lied to with the previous movie?

In a recent interview...screenwriter Jonathan Betuel revealed he and co-writer Gary Whitta are still hard at work on a sequel to 1984's The Last Starfighter.

Alex Kurtzman is that guy in the office who makes himself seem indespensible to management by throwing around meaningless buzzwords, eh?

They literally spoil the end by showing the flying monster ending up on Earth after they’ve all escaped. Sure, we all knew it would happen if we watched the movie but they just straight up threw it in the goddamned trailer! What the shit?

The video is a 46 minute interview with Paul W.S. Anderson, with about 20 seconds of movie footage at the 42:08 mark. It’s pretty impressive, but personally, I don’t want to listen to Paul W.S. Anderson for 40 minutes. Just skip ahead for the clip.

The Thing is already perfect

Rebecca Ferguson should maybe keep that story to herself. Wow.

Annnd ... my opinion of Rebecca Ferguson just went down a few notches. Dune is not a hard read. I think I was 12 when I first read it. I guess a Michael Ondaatje or Salman Rushdie novel would make her head explode.

Too busy writing my Meth gives you superpowers movie, will call later.

More Zombie stuff ? Was anyone clamoring for them ? Seems a little late ,like the Zombie rage is OVER

Good. I really want to see this one in a proper theatre experience but also don’t want to risk catching the funk and spreading it to others. 

Tl;dr Kro is not Swamp Thing

My interest has puked.

Yeah, I always found the SF elements of the franchise more interesting than the horror ones.

Peacemaker is an opportunity to delve into current world issues through the lens of this superhero/supervillain/and world’s biggest douchebag,”

That’s because you’re not looking at the numbers correctly, the traditional way to look at it is a movie needs to make double its budget to make its money back because the advertising budget is usually the same amount as the budget to make the film. So it was $200 mil to make, $270 mil return is a bust.

Good. No movie is worth getting sick over. We’re already seeing a rise in cases:

Of course theyre gonna renew it. Its probably the only Star Wars property they have they havent screwed up...