
A talking, self-driving car was rad in the 80s. Flash forward some 35 years later (Jesus..) and we have cars that can do all of that. Maybe not to that level yet but it was science fiction back then. Now it’s just science.

I’m sure this new Knight Rider reboot will definitely stick the landing better than the last three terrible TV attempts! Hope it can still morph into a selection of Ford vehicles like the last series.

I’m really happy that I Am Not Okay With This is getting another season, because we need more stories about people with superpowers in the Pittsburgh suburbs.

Cautiously optimistic, he’s still on probation for Prometheus.

My big hope for the finale: Cindy/Shiv breaking out of her father the Dragon King’s dungeon, where she has been sidelined for like half the season after initially stealing it, and joining the JSA out of spite

Still don’t understand why io9 hasn’t bothered to cover it since the pilot.

Disney fulled funded Mulan and the longer they wait to release it, the longer they have to extend their outlay of cash. New Mutants was basically completed and funded by Fox or others and they don’t have any outlay to recoup, really. Not of their own.

The answer is obviously... Half Life 3.

Creative People don’t have to be Unusual.

“It’s a weird business, the film business,” Shuler Donner said. “We honor creativity and talent and we forgive the brilliant ones. Unconsciously, we probably do enable them by turning a blind eye to whatever they’re doing and taking their product and putting it out to the world.”

Black Widow’s IMAX screenings will reportedly enjoy 30 minutes of expanded 1.90:1 footage COVID-19 Risk.

Really starting to think COVID-19 has killed the post-28 Days Later/Dawn of the Dead remake-style zombie movie for good. Even in the midst of a full-on undead pandemic like 30% of the populace would be walking around like it was no big deal and spreading bogus medical treatments and conspiracy theories on social

If there is one issue that I truly have with the first season, it is that they covered too much time. 10 years, over the roughly same amount of episodes, not even that when most of the time jumps happen in the back half of the season. Too much was skipped over to get to the “sexy” moon stuff. The first half and back

I see that season 2 is not going back on “Dæmon, what dæmon? Oh, it is in everyones pocket or something.

I kind of feel for Courtney making such a complete idiot of herself with her certainty really for no reason that her father was Starman. She should have listened to Pat, which really is sort of the recurring theme on the show for all the characters 

Morning Spoilers is getting shorter and shorter....

An Uncharted movie sounds like 2012's hottest movie!

They renewed Space Force?  Maybe they can make it more funny.

So Sean Bean is playing a role of a person everyone thought was dead, but isn’t????

Quibi is the haunted sex doll of streaming services.