
Has anyone else watched the Belgian series ‘Into the Night’ over on Netflix? Without giving too much away, a plane has to stay ahead of the rising Sun which is killing people at daybreak. Daft as a box of frogs, but it genuinely keeps the tension going.

Hell forking yes.

The Equalizer 2 with Denzel Washington came out less than two years ago. Do we want another Equalizer reboot this soon?

Frankly it’s easier to hire someone who doesn’t need 18 months of remedial socialization. Cheaper too, you don’t have to worry about losing a discrimination suit because your “brilliant” engineer is so socially oblivious they keep trying to dip their pen in the company ink. Also people like Damore are entirely

I had an employee that was convinced and wanted to lodge a complaint that he was not getting promoted because he was a white male. He was smart, performed very well, and in his mind he should have been promoted.

There were a lot of butt-hurt tech douche bros about this guy getting fired.

No mystery. They found some serious dirt on him.

This article so angered someone that they created an account to post 8 comments here. And then some more over at Earther. Fascinating.

One of my rules: never, ever, under any circumstances write a manifesto. 

Google lawyers were going to destroy him in court. They were going to show how misogynistic he was. This isn't a settlement. This is him admitting he had nothing and was going to get creamed. 

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve never had any urge to ever write a 10 page manifesto about my place of employment and distribute it widely, nor do I think anyone would want to read it. The sheer entitlement of it is just staggering.

They all seem to be suffering from Smoothfaceia.

The CW renews everything, always (with few exceptions), so that isn’t particularly surprising. My understanding is the shows are dirt cheap because Netflix picks up a fair bit of the tab for streaming rights.

Well, thanks for spoiling Untitled Sci-Fi Film by telling me there’s a twist! Ugh!

Real bandages are for the top-tier shows, like Doom Patrol. 

Whuh... spluh... Hush... just has bandages for a mask... why would they go for a cruddy hard mask that LOOKS like bandages when they could just... y’know... do bandages? Or a cloth mask that they put bandages on? It would actually look LESS cheap if they went with a cheaper option!

At this point I think the only way to ever see the entire New Mutants movie is to collect all of the screengrabs and print them out into a flip-book.

This is not really related to anything from today other than I guess The Flash’s impending season finale but we talk about season ending cliff hangers for a second? Specifically why shows love them so much and if anyone dislikes them as much as I do. In many cases the thinking seems to be that it will better insure

Sound nice for a 15 minutes short on Dust

When she makes a miraculous recovery, her attempts to have her clone (also Gillan) decommissioned fail and lead to a court-mandated duel to the death.”