
So... they’re trying to paper over their cringy writing and derivative ideas with stars slumming it as VAs?

At least now you’re caught up?

I’d normally agree with you, but based on that “turd in the wind” line from the trailer I’m guessing that boys in their early teens are literally the only people in the world who might eek out some enjoyment from this flop. 

The safe assumption is they got the finished project in hand and realized it’s a massive turd (possibly even in the wind) so they’re cutting it down to PG-13 to try and get as many butts in the seats on opening weekend before word gets out just how bad it is.

That starfire-as-prostitute look is just so gross.

Yeah, because everything we’ve seen about Dick so far in this shitshow of a series has been so bright and cheery.. Really drawing the line between the two characters here.

Based on the trailer, the show also saved a lot of money on the writing.

The show saved a bunch of money by just filming everything in the dark.

As much as I’d love to see Michael Jordan as Superman (if, for nothing else, the entertainment value of the resulting hissy fit that would inevitably ensue, but also because I think he’d do great with the role), I don’t even begin to trust anyone in charge of the DCU at WB to handle an African-American Superman.

The Church. So wow. That’s really a movie that got funding.

The film begins with a father (Emile Hirsch)

Some of them work, especially during slo-mo parts...but every attempt I see for someone to replace Immigrant Song for Thor: Ragnorak ends up being worse.  This one is no exception, the song was just kinda built for the movie down to the lyrics.

Why does he play with his lightsaber?  Is there some sort of contractual obligation that a lightsaber has to be turned on in ever Star Wars film?

Two big problems here:

You know what would be nice? An all female superhero team movie with Gamora, Wasp, Black Widow, Valkyrie, and She Hulk directed by Gunn. I could get behind that.

Shazam takes a swing at Dr. Sivana in the first official TV spot.

isn’t this how the zombie apocalypse starts? :D

Too bad you can’t just go like... thirty miles and get a gun, eh? Such an insurmountable distance makes it impossible to get a gun, but somehow they just keep getting them.

They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.

“Guns aren’t the problem. Look at Chicago, where there are strict gun crimes!”