
It would be easier to count the people in Central City who don’t know that Barry is The Flash. I’m pretty sure the pizza delivery guy knows Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Ralph’s identities, fer crissakes.

Hm. At least the new Charmed looks like it tries something new. This looks like I’ve already seen it all.

It so is. He was so unbearable in the first season. They really need to get rid of Seth McFarlane. The cast is great but it is like playing the Sesame Street game. One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn’t belong.

As has been said before, they need to look to AoS s4. Three significant, well defined arcs that nevertheless also told a single coherent story. It also gave them the opportunity to change course partway through if AIDA wasn’t shaping up to be the best final villain (which she was, and was freaking awesome partly

I wonder if a member of the team will needlessly keep a secret from the others causing unnecessary tension...oh wait the trailer already showed that

It won’t be possible if he also has to decide whether or not to trust someone with his alternate identity. No, not the last person he told. Or the person before THAT. Or... y’know screw that.

It’s really just Star Trek with an occasional poop joke thrown in to remind you that it’s Seth.

I wonder if Barry will have to run faster than he ever has before in this season

“You made a huge mistake and messed up the timeline? That’s my girl.”

CGI in a DC movie? Of course it will be awful.

surface world has submarines......but knows nothing about all these large structures filled with people and fish people all over the ocean......knows nothing about the amazons island, and that greek gods are real... the universe is dead (as per Zod, the the shots of the dead universe in MOS) yet there is a Green

I’m still firmly meh with the hope it’s better than I expect. I actually liked the Shazam trailer more. 

Where’s the Coke plant?

“Ooh! Big gooberfish!”

It’s Jill Stein’s 2020 platform.

OK, so based off the trailer:

Something is still a little off for me.. I definitely didn’t get “stunning” out of that trailer. Trying to put my finger on the problem.. I think it might be a mix of “this is all new to me” (really? You are over 2,000 years old), and “will you be my new best friends?” (is this series going to be a lighter, more

A remake of Jacob’s Ladder is in now in development

WB Exec: The Dark Knight really touched me.

Man, they really just can’t let this whole “dark and gritty” thing go, can they? Were they all that emotionally scarred by The Dark Knight?