
He has a long history of pulling shit like this, and he always gets away with it. I can’t think of a single occasion where he went and injured someone and paid any price for it.

You should be.

SyFy Channel, continuing to making poor programming choices since 1992.

You might be more pressed to ask why NPR should be collecting that data in the first place that it falls under the jurisdiction of this particular law? Regulation is required when actors fail to uphold their duty to the people that are affected by their actions. A reasonable regulation therefore should already be a

It tells me that companies have been “lean and mean” on IT for so long that they can’t handle fixing this without having to hire personnel/contractors. So they didn’t fix it.

Think about the law, in place for two years, and what that says for companies and their use of your data. Just because you’re fine with their handling of the data you give doesn’t mean that someone who is naive should fall into the trap. Just because its good for you doesn’t mean its good for someone else. Especially

Sorry, everyone, we need to keep selling your data to third parties for big moolah, without your permission, to keep investors happy. So, no internet for you.

And this is how you lose your shit. I’m dad and since it’s my money, this is now my account. Which I will cancel after taking your shit. Also thanks for agreeing to paint the house. And our neighbors. You’re also grounded for a...Wait for it. Fortnight. Dad wins.

And no more Transformers 7? It’s like some wonderful antiChristmas where Santa sneaks down your chimney and pilfers your entertainment system for everything that sucks.

Mark Wahlberg’s big-screen adaptation of The Six Million Dollar Man has been pushed back to 2020.

No cast, regardless of high quality, is ever going to get me to watch anything else with which Lindelof is involved.

I stopped reading at “Lindelof”...

You mean the city that employed this TGI Fridays server to be sheriff has law enforcement officers who don’t always tell the truth?

That was amazing.

Of course that old coot is wearing a MAGA hat at an indoor event. Of course he is.

I suppose if obnoxious humor is your thing then she must be a riot. Personally I find her humor falling flat because the stuff she thinks is SO funny would be incredibly shitty if it happened in RL. “Identity Thief” is a good case in point. And sweet jesus, even Sandra Bullock couldn’t salvage the turd of a movie that

I’m sure the NRA and GOP will give her the customary 9 hour waiting period before they start calling her a triggered librul snowflake who hates America, and/or a plant that is part of a false flag operation run by the deep state and funded by George Soros.

Seriously. It’s like night and day here. Avenue Q just nailed the concept so damn well, and watching this makes me feel kind of sad.

Yeah, didn’t even need to watch the trailer, they lost me at Melissa McCarthy. 

Umm... no thanks.