
I’m... wait.... WHAT???

Would you and professional wrestling like to be alone?

Are just not going to address the fact that there is a giant ant playing drums in this trailer?

It was pretty much perfect! I am hoping Rocket gets more interaction with the Original Avengers now he is the only Guardian left. The quick exchange with Bucky was a highlight. Any Rocket stuff is gold. It’s amazing that they have made Rocket, Groot and Thanos deeper, empathetic, and more realistic characters than

yes. i love the idea that Thanos is just an Arrested Development fan. one of the strongest reasons Nebula hates Thanos so much is because he was constantly asking if she was auditioning for the Blue Man Group.

That Ghostbusters quote came off as Kinberg levels of public bullshitting to me. I swear, even after the Marvel buyout of Fox, Kinberg will STILL be claiming that sequel to the Trank FF movie is on the way.


The only way this could get better is if by some cosmic twist one of those republican forced burial anti-abortion laws allowed the fetal remains to exhumed and DNA tested and proved categorically Trump was the father.

GRRM has simply written himself into a hole that is an absolute slog to get out of. Everyone gave the show shit for using fast travel and cutting plot threads, but look what happens if you don’t do that. You get stuck in the mud and never move forward. Not to mention GRRM using an ancient computer so when he wants to

Based on the fact that the last couple of short stories were just in-world historical accounts of Westeros’s past, is it safe to say that GRRM is terminally bored with the main saga?

It’s never coming out unless someone else writes it.

That Seems like pretty lazy writing to be honest. That Trope is so old...actually I think Harrison Said it best:

Jesus, that is the most pretentious thing I’ve ever heard. Like, you’re literally putting yourself on a pedestal for the supreme accomplishment of.....liking Star Wars.

Hard pass. Why are we ruining iconic characters by telling a story we already know the ending to with subpar actors? Why can’t they make something new instead?

I hope they’ll remember to name the spaceships after elements from other Conrad fiction: “Nostromo”, “Narcissus”, “Sulaco” etc.

Or did someone already do that?

You laugh, but that 11 year old just got a full ride at Duke.

I can’t imagine what it’s like being in so much fear for your life that you have to take a loaded gun to the fucking department store.

Yet another responsible gun owner — just another one of 30,000 a year who are involved in or that their guns are involved in an accidental shooting.