
If you do have a job, keep track of where coworkers go when they quit. Those are probably the places you will need to look if your job becomes at risk. Since it's harder to find a job when unemployed, try to jump ship before that happens instead of waiting around for a severance package or taking a few weeks off to

I totally agree with this. When it launched, all my nerd friends jumped on. Now I can't get any of my other friends to join because a) they don't know what it is and b) they don't know anyone on there other than me. Google+ is pointless until it gets released to the public.

They may be following the Ultimate version of Thanos, where he is some kind of galactic emperor. Infinity Gauntlet for an army sounds like a bad trade though.

That's really the start menu? How do I launch a program (you know, what I do with the start menu 90% of the time)? Do I "share" my program with myself?

If my boss could contribute some code in two hours that wouldn't horribly break the product, I would be impressed.

Is it just me or does this look exactly like those ooze-shooter backpacks in Ghostbusters 2?

I have one I wash I had sent in.

This post looked interesting, but upon reading, the grammar mistakes.

I work in environments sometimes where we aren't allowed to bring in cell phones or anything with a camera, so people will often bring in stand alone MP3 players that don't have cameras. Zune HD is easily the king among those devices.

The check engine light is always on. The back end has absolutely no badge markings on it, and I have no idea why.

I love HTC's hardware but they have been terrible about releasing Android updates.

I would love to see RIM become an awesome Android and/or Windows Phone device maker that just sticks physical keyboards on everything.

He reminds me of this guy I know who says he is coming to every party or social event he's invited to, but never shows up and always has some sob story about how it's not his fault.

Two face approves.

"It's been a while since we've seen a good lookin' keyboard, and I like what I'm seeing, Motorola."

I remember when I saw the previews for Resurrection, I was so excited. The first 3 were before my time, but now I was finally going to be able to see an Alien movie in the theater. Then they had a preggers Alien queen give birth to an albino baby human-alien in a plot line that made no sense.

I don't get it. 6 seasons for one book? Or is season one going to be the book and later seasons will be new material? There isn't nearly enough action in that book to support 6 seasons.

What I really want is a music app that lets be delete songs from within the app. I hate having to plug my phone in or go to a file browser just to get rid of a song I don't want on my phone. Every single desktop music player supports this, why doesn't the stock music app?

I have an incredible and I really like it. One of the best things about it is that it's not a 4" beast like the droid X. Guess I'll just get a droid 3 next time, unless they make that a big phone too.

You better believe I brought my desktop to college freshman year. I even had a huge CRT monitor back then that took up the entire desk. I had to do all my homework in libraries and study rooms but it was worth it.