
Was that really seen as an issue? I honestly never thought about band-aids being similar to flesh color (for whites) as something deliberate until now. Feels more like a sad PR move to make more money.

Just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean I’m being an asshole. I’m allowed to judge a situation however I see fit and in this situation, I do not see it as a racist situation.

Dismiss the other answer, I tried to edit it but it was too late. Here’s the redacted version:

I just watched the video because you could have been right but no. All I can see is constant aggression from the tenant. I’m sorry but she’s playing the race card for something that is literally normal to do. The worker has to verify that she live in the complex and she’s trying to make it a race thing when it’s not.


Honestly, I don’t think this is racist (I could be wrong!). I think the Karen would have reacted that way with anyone that didn’t fit her “I know everyone that live her”.

I mean, it is correct for her to tell the person that the pool is for residents only (it sounds like it’s the first time the (relatively) new

I think the phrase is for nazi “The only good nazi is a dead nazi”

calling the cops the way she did IS a death threat towards Mr Cooper.

I think the loss of her dog is a bit much, the rest though is deserved and honestly, she should be fined for that. Calling the cops and saying your life is threatened (when it isn’t) should be considered an attempt to cause grievous wounds.

This isn’t a smart move to do in a pandemic though...

not saying I agree with the guy but stating that something has been done for millenias isn’t an argument. There’s plenty of extremely bad practice that had been done for forever until humanity put a stop to it. Slavery, namely....

He’s not wrong on the airtight part for shipping, it could limit/stop the spread of

There’s nothing you can do about them. They are lost causes.

They are the people that only care about themselves and their very limited surrounding. Everyone else is expendable. The only way you MIGHT get them to react is if they became severely ill or if someone dear to them died.

So the girlfriend can’t be happy for her man? Looks like Isaiah was crying to me (probably tears of joy).

This is quite absurd to me to make fun of her on that. There’s plenty of actually dumb shit that happens to make fun of. This is a tender-sweet moment.

Disagreed but only because I fear some of those reactions would be gun firing.

The privilege of white stupidity. There, fixed that for you!

At first, I thought it was gonna be overreaction and racism accusations because they were gonna automatically assume that it was because of skin color rather than another issue. Boy was I wrong!

I’ve read the article and came to the conclusion that racism and/or sexism is the most likely reason. Who the heck can go and

I don’t think black people are more likely to die from the virus itself (it’s a possibility that something in the genes make it harder to fight but it’s not very likely).

What’s really happening is that the social/economical disparities are what’s causing a much higher death rate in black communities. It’s also very

There’s white idiots, there’s black idiots. Both have people refusing to commit to the quarantine and stay at home order. HOWEVER it’s just white trumpist that you see at those protests. 

I’m also someone that believe in second chances and that people can change (for the better or the worst).

I also think that him losing his whole career over that event is not a punishment that’s fit for the offense.

I’ve never been more happy to be Canadian than now...

Hard to feel sorry for someone like that.