
I absolutely agree that Trump got elected due to xenophobic people. I’m just not sure I’d call those persons whites supremacists. Maybe you put them all in the same basket, I don’t. White supremacists choose to be like that while the xenophobic became like that due to the fear mongering (that said, there’s

I honestly don’t want to brush anyone’s concerns aside. I do agree that these concerns are more than warranted with the US situation. What I’m asking is to not let those concerns cloud people’s reason and judgement. We, as a whole, are stronger when we stand together than when we stand divided.

I just find it sad when

That person deserve to be punched in the face holy shit...

Because calling it the “chinese virus” create the notion that chinese (in reality, all asians since most people can’t differentiate) are gonna infect others. It spread xenophobia and racism towards those nationalities.

It’s Trump attempt at insulting China (success) for saying the virus was american made and released

start spitting in their food, in front of them.

My mother also believe all kind of facebook nonsense, it’s hard sometimes...

Sorry, what I mean to say is that I don’t think white supremacy was a deciding factor in his election. Supremacists most likely all voted for him since he was, after all, endorsed by the Klan...

POC as in people of colors? (Not super knowledgeable on the acronyms)
I certainly don’t think anyone should endure racism, that needs to be denounced the very moment it happens. I suppose all I’m asking is to not use the “guilty until proven innocent” (to use your metaphor) simply because there is a bunch of racists

It’s not exactly surprising that you haven’t met one if you don’t allow yourself to meet whites, you know. Imagine the same scenario but from a white person. “I’ve never met a melanin-rich person I wanted in my life so badly I’m willing to take that chance”.

Don’t you think it’s reminiscing of segregation times?


Katie William sure is an idiot.

“Everyone else be damned, I’ll kill you all for my liberty of eating in a restaurant.

That said, I don’t think white supremacy is what allowed Trump election (at least, I hope so...). I don’t think it’s white supremacy that caused him to refuse to intervene until now (at least, I hope

I guess people just want a race war instead of harmony, shrug

Still missing the trial and imprisonment for that cop. Just losing your job over aggravated assault endangering someone’s life isn’t enough.

Never said it carried the same weight. I said that both are racist comments that if you use one in a situation, validate the use of the other in a similar situation with roles inverted. The irony in here is that the original comment of this chain is the inverted situation to the story in the article. So how can you

The “chinese virus” was used as a retort to China saying that the virus came from the US to infect China.

Still, this will lead to an increase in xenophobia/racism towards asian so it’s far from great....

Everything else in your article, I agree.

That’s awful... It’s the same twisted logic that was used for segregation...

I feel sorry for you if you feel the need to judge someone because they don’t share your skin pigment. I just hope you’ll meet enough good people that will make you change your mind.

I condemn racism wherever I see it, regardless of the skin pigment of the attacker or victim.

I also do the same for sexism and any discrimination in general.

Btw, just in case it wasn’t clear, I also very much condemn the action of the white man in this article. And yes, I believe it’s a hate crime and that he should

Racism isn’t the answer to racism, it just creates more of it. Sorry that you aren’t intelligent enough to see that

Please don’t use “white trash” as an insult, being white has nothing to do with these people being trash. Validating that would also mean validating calling a black man “n...” when they act in a reprehensible way. I think we can all agree that this isn’t a wanted outcome. (please note I’m not defending the person in

I highly doubt that asshole would have cared no matter who he had hit. He sound like a real self-centered person and used his racism as an excuse to validate his view. That’s the kind of mentality that, I hope, will disappear.

Talk about a disgusting criminal system...