Smug Anime Face

there's seemingly little for Nintendo fans to get really excited about at this year's show.

A Xenoblade level, with all that depth and size, would be absolutely amazing. Especially someplace like the Eryth Sea.

Booth barnacles are wonderful!

I've already promised XSEED that I'm chaining myself to their booth until they give me a release date for SC.

Pitchford let Ashley Burch nut punch him on youtube... can't be all that bad.

OK, sure. That project was mismanaged, and misrepresented to the public. And yeah, I know there are accusations that they may have diverted funds from it to help with Borderlands 2 (or at least I thought that was the conspiracy theory).

But there aren't reports of horrible working conditions at Gearbox. He can screw over investors and still run a nice place to work.

*pssst* Take this.

I have to disagree.

Our world went on very well these last 2000 years even though we have weapons like arrows and guns, but nowadays with video games kids are much more violent. In the past nobody would kill anybody else over something fictional written in a book like people do now because it's in a game.

It's better to have your Sun flowers upfront. If a Zombie eats them first, you still have your defenses going. If you have them in back, and the zombies eat your defense, then you are left with nothing to repel their attack.

It's like the case with everywhere. People crap on GameFAQs and Reddit communities or Kotaku communities, but they all have their great users and lunatics/trolls/idiots.

There is a lot of garbage on neogaf, but the lifer's on there are some of the nicest, and most knowledgeable people you will ever meet. Sorry, if you were ever turned off by Neogaf, if you ever in the future get activated, they welcome new comer's just be sure not to post in a thread about console war stuff.

Director AND Character Designer
Sawaki Takeyasu

Awesome. How many games can you think of where both roles are done by the same person? There's lots of Director/Artist close partnerships, but rarely are both one and the same.

George Kamitani of Vanillaware comes to mind, but who else is there?

I loved this game and I hope to see more of it one day. Everything about it was fun and fresh. It constantly switched up the pace and I never felt like I was doing the same thing over and over(even though I knew I was, it was the illusion that mattered). One minute I'm going 1v1 with a dancing angel and the next I'm

I feel game designers leave as many holes as possible in the protagonist's details to make it as easy for the player to immerse themselves in the role of the hero.