Smug Anime Face

I hope GamerGate starts to get this message.

There are reasons:

How does covering your breasts restrict movement? And don't stockings make it more difficult to move in?

Sportsfriends Play - David Knoblauch

Sword Art Online II

It's merely decent. How are the novels in comparison?

How is that so? At least they have the director of Season 1 on board.

Log Horizon doesn't shove it in your face as much. But I could see Shiroe having a polyamorous relationship with Henrietta and Akatsuki.

No love for the 80's Satanic Panic starring "Michelle Remembers" and the McMartin PreSchool Trial?

Secret of Mana is a video game about amnesiac sprites and giant chickens and superpowered swords. You can play it on the Wii's Virtual Console, too.

I love how Log Horizon is so confident about the strength of their characters' personalities that it doesn't even need excessive fanservice(compared to SAO at least) to make characters like Akatsuki, Henrietta and Lenessia so lovable.

Sword Art Online is an anime with a great first half plagued by a mediocre second half. Luckily, Sword Art Online II does not suffer from a similar affliction. Vastly different from its murder-mystery first half, SAO II ends strong with a powerfully human tale that serves as the emotional high point of the franchise.

And no more harassment of other people because they say things you don't like.

I nominate TotalBiscuit....

If gaming and metal falls under the tent of Entertainment industry, then another lesson should be:

A Senjougahara car. Good taste. Too bad the real one won't mess around with your inner thigh while spouting lewd things in your ear while her father drives the car obliviously.

Well she just did. And now such an insult has mentally and emotionally scarred you for life that you can no longer function like a regular person.

I'm inclined to call Pewdiepie's brand of video harmless entertainment...mostly. Pewdiepie is also known to be profane, crude and arguably insensitive. In the video above, for example, when two characters stick closely to Shrek, Pewdiepie yells "stop molesting me!" Correction: we originally wrote that Pewdiepie said