I think it's because nobody wants to spend $50,000 on a Chevy.
I think it's because nobody wants to spend $50,000 on a Chevy.
I can't be the only one who clicked on miatablowjob.com am I?
"YouTubers" don't have the right to create derivative content and post it online, let alone make money off of it. Nintendo is being very generous, as they don't have to allow the existence of the videos, let alone allow people to profit from Nintendo's work.
Reviews are different, as a review (which would use less of…
awesome, I can play Destiny from work!!!
If we've learned anything from what recently happened in France it's that people really need to lighten up. It's a kid's movie made by American studios with little to no knowledge of Japanese and Korean culture. Also you can't be offended by a flag.... sorry you just can't. I've heard that argument here in the…
I see all the replies, but everything can be solved. It's simple use of technology. Have an armed guard stand back, have two guards with riot shields go up and knock the door. Have a guard say an obligatory amount of kind words that assure the person inside that this is a safety drill and they are innocent until…
Some people don't like change, period. Name one thing that changed that everyone liked. I think it looks great. The dinosaurs can just find a nice cave to go extinct in.
I drove this thing (again) for a spell as well and fuck, it still blows my mind how much I like it. I may be the polar opposite of a Corvette guy. I think the car I most enjoyed driving this year had 60 horsepower (it wasn't my Baja, if you're wondering), and the driving experience that sticks with me the most was a…
I'm with you on that. I don't understand the concept of trading in games. I've regretted it every time I'd ever done it, which was all of like once or twice.
I can't play a Pokemon game with anything more than the original 151. The rest is bullshit.
A cop's job is to enforce the law and not mock. That tweet is so full of seething resentment it actually disgusts me.
Such an underrated movie. No, it wasn't all that great but it was good, mindless violence with some really interesting themes being explored. Plus I have a crush on Gerard and would let him do things to me.
Jet Force Gemini!!
He didn't say he would sexually assault her, but that he would destroy her in game. The slang use of the word "rape" was quite evident here. It is sad how it is intentionally being misconstrued by all parties involved (the false victimized female player, tournament handlers, and the idiot who used such a poor taste…
Manual shifting is over rated these days. "Computer is faster than you. Can you confirm you understood that message?" [Bad F1 joke.] Plus, you have the added benefit of having both hands on the wheel. Join us in the 21st century, Jalop! I have 25 years of car ownership under my belt, all being manual. I've finally…
You remember delay, after delay, but I remember it popping into existence one Christmas morning, when at my uncle's, my cousin brought his '64 and this awesome game I had no idea about, which is strange, because I practically slept with my Link to the Past booklet and map.
"He hasn't seen his neurologist since getting the game." Kotaku UK spoke to Brittany, the wife of Eric, who received a unique gun from the creators of Destiny after he underwent brain surgery. If you'd like to know who he is, what happened to him and how Destiny's helping him heal, you can check out the article here.