Ryan Sweeney

Should Kotaku abstain from covering games if they launch broken on day one?

Sigh. Hand me your jalop card.

It’s also where you’re going to be heading if you attempt a turn in one of these yachts.

Your weak stomach is definitely *not* an indicator of whether VR is going to succeed or not. People like you said the same thing about early 3D games ..and boats.. probably.

If VR fails as a platform, it’ll do so on it’s own (de)merit, not yours.

I feel like your post applied a year ago, but VR providers are finding ways to make their product more affordable and are finding ways for people to use their product without experiencing motion sickness. Your definition of “truly exciting” is certainly not universal. I guess it depends on what kind of games or

Nobody in my circle is buying $36k SUVs. They’re buying SUVs with 100k+ miles and a couple years left of soft driving the kids to school. Or they’re taking on another 7 year loan to buy a crappy used sedan with less than 7 years of functionality.

Good points. I still miss checking my phone every couple of hours to see what else was on sale tho, it was fun.

I guess that’s fine for him, but he should have known better before getting in.
The RS is nicer than a regular Focus but its still the same platform, so he should have driven an ST and seen how it compared to a GTI.
It’s well known that the RS stomps the Golf R in performance, but if that’s not what matters to him, he

That BMW would be awesome if it wasn’t so damn ugly.

He doesn’t drive for his dad. He is a GM factory driver.

Shame on him for being fortunate enough to have a parent involved with racing!

Wayne Taylor Racing was formed decades before either of the Taylor brothers were even born during the Group C era. And from what I gather, Wayne would not have promoted them to his team nor would the FACTORY Corvette team have considered them if they were not good helmsmen.

During the god awful two hour or so rain delay at the 2016 Sebring 12 hr he was the only driver I saw who came and hung out with the fans. He answered all questions, photo ops, and autographs before he left. So no matter what you think of him that was a pretty boss move.

Taylor can actually drive...

The original Fast & Furious in the 3rd spot? Fast Five taking second?

Dom doesn’t follow the laws of physics. He never went to law school.

Why would you risk infection or worse downloading the show when you can record anything played off your video card with Nvidia share?

Maybe it should be called “we’ve come a long way since a single truck driver took out our entire team”

I also have furniture. I also do not live alone. What I’m saying is that it’s really not that hard to accommodate. If you have enough room to use a Kinect or play Let’s Dance on the Wii, you can use the Vive, and I don’t recall people flipping out about the space requirements for those setups.

your not wrong but its not about the subsidize for most people but the platform exclusivity. people on a rift want to play vive games and people on the vive want to play rift games. Then there’s the hole Hardware exclusivity on a PC thing .

People dont like the precedent it sets. like a brand of head phones or monitor