nothing can run a AAA game at 4k 60fps, not even a 1080 reliably
nothing can run a AAA game at 4k 60fps, not even a 1080 reliably
thats just video. It doesnt take much for 4k video.
The tech still is old? I dont get what youre looking for here?
Once every 4 years? Thats literally the worst excuse you could give for not playing on PC.
I'm pretty sure Nintendo has restrictions on what they can release for the virtual console. That would be my guess as to why a bunch are missing
And it's not doom64
I would kill for that R or whatever the white black one is called.
Maybe this goes deeper and it's not actually a cig but it's really a joint and he's getting high on the job!
I have not, nor do I have any intention to. Buick and caddy are old people cars to me. Not much they could do would shake that. They way the article was written it sounded like the awd 6 cylinder might've been fun. Apparently I'm very wrong haha
I dont care about you people, Im talking about myself.
Things I want. Fun manual wagon.
Focus RS - Fun manual wagon
Buick Wagon - Has potential to be a fun manual wagon
Theyre the same price. Its not like Im comparing a corvette to an accord because they both get 35 mpg.
Definitely would never spend 40k on a buick when the focus RS is in the price range and is better in every way.
Theres a MASSIVE difference between shilling and what they do.
If theyre linking and advertising thats because they honestly believed at the time they made a good product. Thats how blogs and magazines work. If you get paid to advertise youre generally biased and rightfully viewed as such, so it makes it hard for your…
The big problem with that statement is “if their drivers are good”. Amd is notorious for having shitty drivers/delayed good drivers
They can link to whatever they want. The only thing that matters is if they were paid to link. Patrick stated they never took money for an advertisement/linking videos so no hes not lying to himself or the readers.
the eggplant = big dick
Honestly I didn’t really get the scarecrow reference haha
The sc430? That’s like the Nissan Versa of sport cars. Not in relation to price but in the fact that it’s an awful uninspiring car and should never be put for comparison with a 4c
yooka laylee is putting a 64gb flash drive in their n64 cartridge.
I would have expected something similar.
What? I get that. You said they're garbage characters. I was informing you that they are not in fact garbage characters and are in fact extremely powerful if you know how to play them
What? Genji and hanzo are both insane powerhouses if you know how to play with them. You clearly cant play well with those characters.
This list is garbage but that doesnt take away from the fact that you clearly have no idea what youre talking about.