People keep bitching about Tenet, all I’m thinking is it can’t be worse than Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. It’s the movie which I’ve fallen asleep to, repeatedly. Both during same viewing, and also different viewings.
People keep bitching about Tenet, all I’m thinking is it can’t be worse than Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. It’s the movie which I’ve fallen asleep to, repeatedly. Both during same viewing, and also different viewings.
Total tangent, and nothing but respect for you as a fellow human being, but...
You actually can run back to the start of that level by walking on the little curb on the edge and get a new leaf (GC version, unknown on other formats). Which I have done. Because if you leave, pretty sure the Yoshi goo returns.
so many articles discussing how confusing this next generation is, when the reality is microsoft is streamlining console gaming more than ever.
And go read the thread in context, instead of cherry picking.
For me, there have been few sensations as fulfilling as mastering the rope dart/ wingsuit flying combo in Just Cause 3.
No it wouldn't. I don't see how people can actually "like" judder. It's something you put with for the sake of the films story.