
I think Tarly mentions in passing about a "bottleneck" and how taking out the front of the caravan would make it impossible to defend the rear. Setting the caravans we saw on fire made tactical sense because the ones behind them would remain where they were, available for plunder.

Evil Angel was so much more fun than that rat-sucking loser The Slayer fell for.

The thing I've always hated about the big screen representations of Batman was the degree to which the directors have been able to leave their grubby little fingerprints on them.

I'm a 3rd Generation Chicagoan. Most Chicagoans only care if you put ketchup on a dog and call it "Chicago Style". Deep dish is looked upon fondly by association because the only time you have it is at parties or with out-of-towners. We don't actually think it's "better" than other styles of pizza (unless it's some

In the UK (asking bc "tonnes")?

"All right, then. ALONE!"

The portal in the woods (that Nancy goes into) has some pretty clear parallels to the storm drain Elle escapes from and doesn't really fit into the story otherwise.

I completely agree about McKinnon — the way she smirks through her sketches reminds me of Jimmy Fallon.