
i sort of get what you are saying, I honestly can't remember seeing any worthwhile female characters with asd. and there doesn't seem to be much media representation to account for the apparent higher percent of autistic people who are trans

ugh seriously why do we need another show with a dude that has autism who is super smart and quirky and looking for love. being autistic doesn't mean you're a genius and its not just for boys.

as a 19yr old girl with Aspergers: fuck this shit

ahh , the year i was born

I'm usually fine with horror films but that scene in Eden Lake where those kids put a tyre round that boys neck and set him on fire, his screaming made me cry and feel ill, in fact anything with anyone burning alive is a big no from me. :(

'fantastic4' , 'noah' or 'kickass 2'.

i love Rami Malek, but really…?

please don't

misfits was on channel4 ( or e4 I'm not sure)

its beloved but not a masterpiece but 'mrs doubtfire', i really didn't like that film when i was a child , still don't and i feel sorta bad about that.

wow of course Leto has used 'method acting' as an excuse to be gross


it's a good show and all… but Aaron Paul's character looks too young have a son that old and i can't get over it

with a different actor? yes,
because Renner has somehow managed to make hawkeye boring in the cinematic universe.

for some reason i feel like he looks a bit like s5 Rick Grimes…?

i watched 7 days in hell after reading your comment… holy shit i am so glad i did