
Because the outrage and hatred on the internet is disproportionate to LaBeouf's infraction.

Not at all, I think its rather shitty that he did not include an "Inspired By" for Clowes in the credits of the short film. But Clowes never made a film. He made a comic strip. LaBeouf adapted the comic strip in the form of a short screenplay, cast it, shot it, edited it and then put it out to be viewed free of

Touché, you giant fucking genius.

Oh, but I can and I may darling, I can and I may. And what does Mrs. Hoffman's English teaching prowess have anything to do with whether or not my arguments carry any validity? She would more or less be there to teach the principles employed in the delivery of said arguments, not their inherent validity. That is

Via Merriam-Webster,

This is a SHORT film by an AMATEUR filmmaker. If this were a feature that played at Cannes in hopes of a big sale and studio distribution, different story entirely. But it's not. This is a story about a Vimeo video.