
Pandemic Saturdays are the worst! So annoyed with everything and everyone, and the days just stretch on and on...

Beanie is perfect! (The name AND the pup!) What a dollbaby!

Huge Laurie Colwin fan here! I love that casserole, and i haven't made it since Christmas. Time to make it again!

I’m so sorry.... sending all good thoughts to you and your family.

She is amazing too!!!

She really helped a lot of people when she went public about her struggle with postpartum depression, too.

I'm also confused...

Seriously. Brooke, too - also an Ivy grad and someone who seems to be a really lovely person. I still have my copy of Brooke's guide for teens, "On Your Own," wherein she explains what she loves about college and why she plans to remain a's hilarious and charming.

Check out Holly Hunter in "Broadcast News" - she and Albert Brooks are just terrific!

She’s always wonderful isn't she? Such a hoot in "Raising Arizona." I saw her off Broadway in “The Miss Firecracker Contest” some time in the mid 80s, and I’ll never forget her performance. Mark Linn-Baker was great in that play as well, it was before “Perfect Strangers.”

Who did Helen Hunt play on "Mary Tyler Moore?" She must have been very small. My first exposure to her was as Boomer's wife on "St. Elsewhere."

The problem here is that the Jezebel staff is too young to have known Holly Hunter and Jodie Foster when they were young (in Foster’s case VERY young) actors making their mark in excellent films. Their confusion is clearly generational - they might as well be discussing Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman and Barbara Stanwyck.

Not great, actually. Much better for cooking, making candied peel etc.

That is a lot of children! I'd want a TV deal, too, just to help with expenses. I hope this is a good experience for the whole family.

I shunned DWTS until I visited my mom - an intelligent human being with a taste that runs toward PBS - and she made me watch it with her. Marie Osmond fainted that night and I was HOOKED. My husband and I began watching it religiously, and he developed a deep bro-crush on Derek. The early seasons were super fun, with

She was very excited to see the puppy pictures and brainstorm names for you!

My daughter suggests Millie!

My daughter suggests Millie!

My daughter just suggested Biscuit too!

How about Penny?