I love covers, too! I used to sing a lot of cabaret, and my favorite part of that art form is the tradition of taking a well known song and arranging it into something that sounds new.
I love covers, too! I used to sing a lot of cabaret, and my favorite part of that art form is the tradition of taking a well known song and arranging it into something that sounds new.
My dad took me to NYC when I was 8 years old - a trip just for the two of us. This was very unusual, as my dad worked/traveled a lot and didn’t spend a lot of time with me. We stayed in a fancy hotel, ordered room service, and I was given the choice between seeing “Annie” or “The King and I.” I picked “Annie,” of…
What a treat! I absolutely love WPA posters (and WPA era popular art in general), and I’ve not seen some of these before. Thank you!
I came here to say that Stewart is a terrible actor who couldn't possibly embody one of my all time favorite people. But I think you're on to something here - there's a special kind of vacant ennui that Stewart might just be able to pull off.
I appreciate the effort in getting a bunch of people to feel like they're connected. It was symbolic, but that doesn't mean it wasn't significant - it's certainly the kind of gentle event that families can attend with a four year old. I'm sure I would have brought a four year old if I'd had one! Good on your parents…
Yes indeed - I came here to share my family favorite, Bourbon Slush. Lots of recipes out there, some calling for lemon-lime soda. I’ve never made it like that. https://www.southernliving.com/recipes/what-can-i-bring-bourbon-slush-recipe
Jesus Christ.
I forgot about Hands Across America! I never thought of that as a protest, but I guess it was. I wrote earlier that my first protest was in 1991, but now I realize it was HAA. My main memory is of doing it across my college campus, it was a big production. As we all stood there quietly, hand in hand, I heard someone…
Us too! I was watching a documentary about W on PBS a few weeks ago and my husband had to leave the room when they talked about the election. His anger was as fresh as it was 20 years ago.
I’m not 100% sure, but I think my first was a pro-choice rally in Jackson Square in New Orleans. A medium sized group was there carrying signs and coathangers. It was peaceful and there was some chanting. It was pretty low key until Mass let out and the crowd turned its anger toward parishioners who were trying to…
But that’s “Mamma” with two “a”s - the three “m"s are unusual, but not objectionable. It's that blasted "o" that bothers me - it's just weird!
I believe the Momma in the comic strip and the Momma being thrown from the train (I’d forgotten all about that movie!) are very unlikable characters. Do the people who fondly refer to themselves and others as “momma” not realize there’s a connection between the abominable spelling and being an abominable character?…
There was a comic strip in the newspaper when I was little that was titled “Momma.” The spelling has bugged me since seeing it in print from age 7. It just doesn't look right to me.
Oh yeah, that's a whole new level of insufferable.
I have yet to interact with anyone who refers to herself and others as “momma” who isn’t completely insufferable. “Mom” and “mommy” and “mama” all seem fine. There's something about the use of the spelling of "momma" that grates on my last nerve.
Me too.
What an awful situation, I'm so sorry.
This is an excellent idea for a double feature!
I think you need to watch the movie again in its entirety.
Jerry hits it out of the park again! 100% accurate on all counts.