If you cannot remember the name of a girl between the ages of 10 and 20, just call her Isabella and you’ll most likely be correct.
If you cannot remember the name of a girl between the ages of 10 and 20, just call her Isabella and you’ll most likely be correct.
Olivia Jade will be POTUS in 20 years. Anything can happen after a Trump presidency...
My husband still swears that the guy in “Hotel California” driving down the dark desert highway has “coolant in my hair.”
I gave my late grandmother’s mink coat to the costume department of a performing arts high school. I’m sure she would have been mortified, but I didn’t want to just throw it away. I hope to see it onstage in a period piece someday.
“I get it. You need to pick a fight to stay relevant” is now my go to response to anybody who is irritating me. Thanks, Mayor Pete!
Wondering whether to call the person you just broke up with (when you know you shouldn’t?). Think of this advice a much older, wiser friend once told someone (not me):
I was in 5th grade in 1978, suburban public high school. The boys and girls all got the puberty talk together. I remember filmstrips with silhouettes of boys and girls, with highlighted glowing gonads and ovaries. It was pretty basic, but even then I remember thinking that it was pretty cool they didn’t segregate us…
One year, my Christmas tree fell down several times. Each time I righted it, swept up shattered ornaments, wept over my favorites that were now in smithereens, and hoped it wouldn’t happen again. But it did - at least three more times.
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!
Whenever we go out to eat, my husband cleans his plate and then tells the server to box up the rest. Every. Damn. Time.
Eh, I’m not worried about this, especially if his kids are good students in their own right. This kind of donation can help so many needy students attend these colleges, and can pay for campus upgrades and employee salaries.
It breaks my heart that younger folks no longer want china, crystal and silver. A relative died recently and I was the only one who was interested in the 100 year old monogrammed silver cutlery.
This piece reads like it was penned by a 15 year old.
Performer and audience member here: I fully support the confiscation of all phones before a performance. Photos, texting, ringing during a performance - all are terrible for everyone involved. Makes one long for the days when the worst noises coming from an audience were the noisy unwrapping of hard candies.
I’m interested to see what he does next. I loved “In The Heights,” and “Hamilton” is a masterpiece. It’s just the cultural saturation of “Hamilton” brings up mixed feelings for me. I’m a big theatre geek, and while nothing pleases me more than seeing people who previously had no interest in theatre suddenly get…
I’m sick of late night political comedy shows.In the mid 2000s, I never missed the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert. Watched religiously when Jon Stewart hosted and when Colbert was on Comedy Central. Now I just have no interest in what is happening on TDS. I have a vague interest in Colbert’s monologue, but I don’t…
Just posted a similar comment. 10 years from now, every former middle schooler who worshiped at the altar of Lin-Manuel Miranda will shriek and recoil when they hear that opening “bum bumbum bum bum bum bum.”
Ask this question in 10 years, and a couple million people in their 20s will say "Hamilton."
Agreed. I have a very hard time being sympathetic to anyone who is so easily fooled. I think the fake psychic should get to keep the money.
I had to reread it myself, but I think she means it was Singer who suggested inflating the math score, not the guidance counselor. From what I can tell, the guidance counselor a have been central to trying to get people not to cheat. I believe it was a guidance counselor who called USC and was like, "Um, those Mossimo…