
Vin Diesel as Judah Maccabbee. The Hasmoneans weren’t pasty white Ashkenazis. He’s got the medditerranean complexion with the Maccabean tough guy build.

“They even present their Jewish guest with bagel and lox to make him feel more welcome, a cringe-inducing gesture that passes without comment.”

What hurts me about this is that there are plenty of men that are the victims of abuse. This kind of BS keep them from getting the help they need. All humans are capable of being abusers and being abused. This crap just makes everything worse for victims.

As former Bush speechwriter David Frum said - “When radical conservatives can’t win a democratic election, they’ll abandon democracy, not conservatism.”

Here’s the thing. Trump’s coup is a joke in that it’s failing miserably. But the part that’s scary is:

I almost always feel better after watching Rachel Maddow but this feels less and less like a joke by the minute. These sick f$$ks are surrounding peoples’ houses, heavily armed. They aren’t just walking around the streets anymore, showing off their guns. Governors are sending police out to lock up scientists.

We don’t trust the FDA, it is a political pawn

We have studies claiming infection from 20 feet away, sans contact, in less than five minutes.

It’s a bit scary how much people on social media are defending Depp over this and trying to drag down Amber Heard. I’m not a fan of either of them, and I think they both likely abused each other to varying degrees, but the absolute hatred and negativity Depp’s fans are perpetuating towards Heard is nauseating. It’s

And it can be Calm Cage in narration, but Wild Cage on screen (“I may have overreacted somewhat.” says Calm Cage as Wild Cage literally chews the scenery).

Victims shouldn’t be on a time table to come forward about their abuse.  Paltrow was Weinstein’s victim, she’s allowed to come forward when she’s ready.  

It gets better — according to the Guardian:

I rewatched the whole thing this year for the first time since it aired and had a real blast with it. Even the weak seasons had their moments. Most of my favorite Andy Bellefleur stuff came during the weaker seasons. Plus, Jason Stackhouse is hilarious throughout the whole series. Honestly, that whole show lived and

What is there to cure when the survivability rate for anyone infected with covid is over 99%.

As I understand it, the adaptation rights to the characters introduced in the novel Red Dragon, including Hannibal, Will Graham, and Jack Crawford, were sold separately from the rights to the characters introduced in Silence of the Lambs, which include Clarice, Paul Krendler, Jame Gumb, and Benjamin Raspail. That’s

What Gwen seems to be referring to, here, is a wedding with masks. Okay. Fair... I guess.

Living with and loving a person who is mentally ill or addicted is hard, and his writing reflects that. Having some experience with that myself, having had to cut myself off from family that could literally take me down with them (first put the mask on yourself) I try not to judge. His writing on the topic struck me

The fact that the entire thing is so outlandish anyone would believe he was serious, or using his “privilege” to be cruel is utterly ridiculous.

So a joke that’s clearly a joke but just isn’t very funny warrants a whole blog post? 

It was such a cheesy potboiler they could have called it The Fondueing.