
Thank you- this was my response to it too.

I can appreciate the criticisms of The Vow in the comments section but a little confused at how Seduced isn’t being looked at through the same lens? While the perspective of Mark, Sarah, et al in The Vow was obviously less than objective and the doc was geared to make them appear in a more sympathetic light, isn’t

As a Philly mail-in voter, I approve the Philly-ness of this message!

Naw, she’ll still just pretend she’s gonna vote Dem til the last minute as usual ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ugh, that’s terrible. Fellow therapist and have been hearing the same from other colleagues at counseling centers too. I can’t think of too many setups which better facilitate COVID transmission than therapy- sitting close to another person (or persons) speaking for an hour in a cozy room with little ventilation.

Thank you for this nuanced piece and demonstrating that we can all hold different feelings at the same time!

YES. This.

I know. Thank you 1987.

It was called A Tiger’s Tale and I toootally remember watching it as a teen at 2 am. The weirdness of that movie has stayed with me these 20 years...