

“But’s about economic anxiety!” - White Americans since Tuesday night

She got more votes than he did.

It’s funny because she won the popular vote anyway.

It’s ridiculous that anyone believes that Bernie could have won when Drumpf’s campaign was using anti-semitic language and symbolism to attract these people. People need to stop looking for excuses and overlooking the obvious reason which is bigotry. White people had it good, thanks to Obama who pulled them back from

THANK YOU. Everyone keeps saying she lost because she wasn’t likeable and the dems should have picked bernie. This proves it was not a referendum on economics. It was a referendum on race and otherness. A jew would never have won if you just search “jews” on twitter. Vile shit.

Said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating... Clinton, Obama, et al were right about one thing: this election was about what kind of country we are. And the electorate has decided: we are an asshole. Of the assholes, by the assholes, for the assholes. And now we have an Asshole-in-Chief. Van Jones is right, we are a

None of us are cheering her on; we’re defending her. There’s a big difference. We’re hardly lathering praise on her but pointing out that she’s a lot smarter than Trump, a lot better educated than most people, and far more hardworking than even the president she served.

Trump couldn’t pass a third grade civics test.

Is there anyone on earth who knows less about government and/or diplomacy than the orange goblin?

Sure, saying “bimbo eruptions” (citation, if you please) is exactly the same as assaulting multiple women, anti-Semitism, racism, inciting violence, admitting to sexual assault, and more. Exactly the same. Your understanding is truly masterful.

Fuck off, rape apologist.

Yes, privately referring to a few women who consensually had sex with your husband as “bimbos” is totally just as heinous a crime as, you know, those actual crimes of sexual assault that Trump privately bragged about that certainly seem to be very true. I mean, if you are a moron and are trying to defend a creepy

I forgot; who is running for president in 2016?

You’re underestimating how much his supporters REALLY REALLY want to have brown people know their fucking place again.

That’s okay, the vast majority of polls shows Clinton ahead. Take enough polls and you’ll get a handful showing Trump up just by random sampling.

If Pokevision is willing to build their own server farm and/or pay for all the extra strain they want to put on Niantic’s servers, then by all means...

Otherwise, Niantic should shut it down and get the core game working first, before they let 3rd parties leech off their servers without paying a dime. I don’t think you

They couldn’t turn a blind eye.

It’s just like, if you look at facts there’s no way a reasonable person who supported Bernie’s policies and identifies as a progressive would then look at the choice between Clinton and Trump and choose The Donald. It’s just not a factually supported position, and the people who are choosing it are irrational and

OH sure. It’s real unless it applies these fools who are Bernie or Bust, then, it’s totally not the reason they’d rather have an orange dictator as president. Right. Sure. So convinced.

Despite his comments about at least two of his daughters (Tiffany here, the comments about Ivanka saying “If she weren’t my daughter...”), I actually don’t think he wants to have sex with his own children. Rather, I think he believes that the highest compliment you can give a woman is to call her fuckable. Which leads