
I suggest they put up a little resistance and then acquiesce

Beware, I Live! Run Coward!. ARRRRRRRRRRAHHHH..,I am SINISTAR

I was serious. The green jacket ceremony is cool but its not what you tune in for. Its not like you were watching it on Tevo 3 days later and someone spoiled it...This was the network broadcast.

Too bad twitter is limiting his access. If only he had another way of communicating to people. He is stuck with twitter and the tarmac.  

I would have been livid. I am actually mad for you. That is BS.

Rafi, I disagree, you have not “lived” in mn if you characterize it as being brutalized. When you embrace the winter world and get out and participate in snow fort building skating, will learn that your core can get pretty hot while needing gloves. Yes there are a ton of idiots who don’t dress properly.

NapaDub, You are correct , his vote only counted in NY.  

Nice work Michael.  

I read all articles with Homer as the screen shot. This one was pretty good. Please don’t abuse the click bait that is Homer.

Any press for Toni is too much. Hearing that she was spritzed and told to F.O. is good to hear but that is now part of her shtick. When will her 2 minutes be up.

There are millions of people who believe in the MAGA message. I too would like to stereotype them as stupid. I don’t believe they are stupid, they are people who embrace simple, incomplete solutions to complex problems.  I am horrified by how entrenched people are. Societies are not zero sum problems.

So Im looking for someone who never types lollipop. Thanks that helps.

I hope the money trail shows up soon. Why pay 150,000 for a story and not run it? They were paid. Probably $200,00 . Why sell out that contract for $75,000 more? Why not if the story wil come out any ways from the the recent raid on the the fixer.

this impression of a red neck fits my stereo type perfectly. A little too perfect. Good one comrade Burion Ruthsky

Classy choice for #1. Solid.

Kudos to VP Pence, the Olympic ceremony sitting maneuver was pure genius. He set the stage for our president to do some serious negotiating.

I officially agree with Trump. It hurts, but he could do something positive. Of course the first ideas he floated were batsh*t crazy. He is at least listening to where consensus is. Assault rifles have no place in my Walmart. He could be just like another Republican , Abe Lincoln, abolishing what many believed to be

The away from the ball action you can pick up is not duplicated on a broadcast. Of course , you have to be rich to afford good seats. Or have a bad team and sneak into the good seats. If you really care about the game, the energy of the arena is not broadcast-able ; the gut wrenching losses hit harder and the

Why isn’t the NRA and gun industry promoting this type of thinking? The NRA was originally founded to teach proper use of fire arms and safety. The NRA needs to be the leader in fire arm safety. Instead they spend $(insert huge number) to prevent conversation. The NRA could sell “Thoughts and Prayers” cards to finance

You are right. apparently it is not an ingrained into my brain as i thought it was..