Metal Gear Solid V is an excellent video game with a terrible ending. You may have heard this before.
Metal Gear Solid V is an excellent video game with a terrible ending. You may have heard this before.
So fucking stupid its got to be true. I just beat the game, im not mad at you. What a shitty sense of humor, I am not amused. Lots of people came here for answers. Mission 51 wouldn’t make the game complete. It needed a whole 3rd and 4th chapter. Why would you make only two chapters? To me, a story can’t conclude in…
Personally, my biggest upset was a few missions earlier.
This is my feelings summed up to a tee. I’d love to hear what you think about the lack of voice acting during cutscenes maybe being an effect if him not being the real snake.
Metal Gear Solid V is a stellar game, with top-notch stealth action and a malleable world that leads to all sorts of…