
Those excuses seem kinda weak. They're doing this for crash reconstruction training and proving seatbelts work? It doesn't seem scientific enough, but it sure does look like fun.


I imagine this thing could go 100, but it didn't start life as a purpose-built lawnmower*, so I guess it doesn't really count. I don't remember it being all that good at cutting grass, anyway.

@Roberto G.: It's for DC Shoes, the company Ken Block sold so he could have money and time to go racing full-time.

Even if "people" don't want to check their oil, what about the guy who changes your oil (sometimes known as "me")? I've had the displeasure of changing the oil in a 3er with the iDrive dipstick. The car had to be running for like a minute before it got a read on the oil level, and when it did it was a quart low! Gee,

@SmaartAasSaabr: Yes, but the bolt that tensions the A/C compressor and belt on a 240D is so skinny and rusty that disabling the A/C system while you're trying to do the V-belts is one of the easiest ways to (accidentally) boost power.

Voted for power steering, air conditioning, cup holders and rear defroster. Funnily enough, my current daily driver has all of there things, but only the power steering actually works.

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Clicking on the video up there, I have discovered on-board footage of the one-speed T-bird, which makes me happy.

@Cognitive Dissonance: In picture 3, the top of the nosecone looks rather flat. The F10 has a nose more like the Red Bull, with those bulges down the sides.

The ID tag in the cockpit looks more like it says "F60," than "F10," which would make this last year's car. Makes sense, F1 teams don't like people taking these kind of pictures of their current cars.

@Jimal is a non-attorney spokesperson: On the other hand, when you look at an old used car in the rain, you get to find out right away if there are some leaky old seals that turn footwells into pools of rusty water.

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@Tyson: Kinda like this, only with an engine up front instead of a fuel tank.

Is it any surprise that, in the two Sprint Cup races since this Chump Car one, SHR has taken it's first pole of the season, first win of the season and Tony's strongest race (though not finish) of the season?

@wookie1901: I guess it's OK if you want a small coupe.

@allexedup: Well, that's why the taillights don't work. They're not attached to anything.