
Obligatory cord-cutter self-congratulatory post: increase zero.

Time to sell my back issues, all the way back to number one…

Where's Billy Mumy and his camper friends when you need them?

I was an early cord-cutter (close to 10 years), and now watch all TV via streams or downloads. As result I see zero advertising. Literally, nothing. I believe this has a huge effect on the desire to buy things. I just don’t want...things.

As a second data point, I got married 5 years ago and my wife has found the same

I finished this game a couple days ago. I thought the Nemesis system was kinda a neat idea, but found it had little impact on the game itself. Pretty early on I stopped paying attention to it (other than when a quest required it) and felt it made no difference to the gameplay at all. When I got to the final mission

Or...realize it’s 2017 and shoe shining is silly.

Probably just a few. First you drop the ball without the net and mark where it lands. Then you put the net there, and drop the same way.

I wonder if they consider Gmail “+” addresses as different? You could just do +prime1, +prime2 etc.

This story has been told for years and always struck me as unlikely. I mean, John Hurt is strapped to a table, there’s tubes and wires and special effects dudes all around manning pumps and control sticks. Clearly they knew SOMETHING was going to happen, and it was centered on Hurt’s fake body. The exact details were

Gotta be a prequel because I killed all those buffalo.

You lost me at 'nerdcore icons'…

Now playing

No Danny Glick outside the window in Salem’s Lot? An entire generation of kids was scarred by this one...

Is anyone else bothered that all those quarters appear to be silver?

These work pretty well. I use one (not this brand, but same idea) to get WiFi to the shed at the back of my yard.

These work pretty well. I use one (not this brand, but same idea) to get WiFi to the shed at the back of my yard.

Nothing about Fallen Angel? I saw that on TV when I was really young and Masur is stuck in my head as 'creepy pedophile' to this day.

I hope this is ironic. This looks terrible.

No, that would be The End in the Booth. *rimshot*

It's also completely fake. The purchase decision is already made before taping and the 'options' are just other houses the realtor (who sponsors the episode) wants shown.

If you've never seen "The Booth at the End", seek it out.

The Amazon reviews on this were so bad I didn’t pick it up. Not being able to control volume on a receiver is a deal-breaker (and a fundamental design flaw).