
They should at least wait until the PTSD from playing it the first time has faded.

Red is the one who gets redemption in Shawshank.

Props to the OG phrog, Bad Ronald...

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Almost as technically impressive, my version of Pitfall!

He’s never going to top attempting to prove you can run on top of water if you just run fast enough.

I’ve lived in Ohio over 20 years and never heard of Ohio Valley pizza....but I can attest a Marion’s Supercheese is Dayton Style perfection.

I played the entire game without once using the flask. Not bragging, just never seemed worth the effort.

Can we maybe just not report on anything related to this walking tumor?

Because not everyone is an ass?

It’s “Shipka”, ffs.

The wife and I are one episode away from finishing this and we hate it. All the characters are stupid. Ever crisis could be averted if they just shared what they know with each other. No one ever acts like a recognizable human. The keys are just convenient plot devices that are completely ignored until the plot

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Metro Exodus was pretty grim, but the one joke with the guy trying to get the bird to say “Hello” was absolute gold.

The upgrader reports I have only 2gb ram and fails, even though I have 8 gb.

That sentence is absolute poetry.

Doesn’t this only work if you hold you head perfectly still? As soon as you move it won’t line up. Assume that’s why demo is taken from one spot.

According to IMDB an ex-bf was threatening to release a sex tape, so she pre-emptively sold it to a porn distributor.

None of those things happen. It took about a minute with an Exacto knife, and the cats love it. Male cat can spray to his evil heart’s content.
This one is also tiny. A 30 gallon storage bin works so much better, especially if you have a larger cat. The cat in the picture would barely fit inside, much less move around

None of those things happen. It took about a minute with an Exacto knife, and the cats love it. Male cat can spray

I’ve had this card for maybe a decade. I’ve gotten a PS3, PS4, PS4 Pro, PS VR headset (just last month), various games, 50-inch TV, and a Sony receiver over the years. No issues.