
Since they finally leave the city, why the hell isn’t it called ‘Emergent’?

I like to think Mr Glass eventually had a son. He works in IT.

The fact that it hits every 60 seconds suggests something external to the game.

The greatest revelation in the Aussie dialogue is when Max interrogates the garage dude and asks about “the tattoo”. That word isn’t used in the US version. Hearing that made the entire subtle tattoo subplot come into focus.

Gang members have the circle/slash tattoos on the their faces. They also burn it onto the road

The mix is terrible on the Aussie version. If I didn’t know the dialogue already, some of it would be unintelligible.

I don’t get the point of your comment. It’s like someone saying “I’m not a surgeon - I only cut vegetables in my kitchen, but the Argmo X97 Scalpel is crap.”

Kyle, while hard to work into conversation, my go-to Raising Arizona quote is "not unless round's funny".

Why would I want to watch the scariest part of the movie before seeing the movie? Can we also get a clip of the ending?

Yup, that has to be it. Do I dare give it a watch? :)

I caught a scene from (I think) an live-action Disney movie when I was maybe 10 that has stuck with me for the last 36 years. Old man has a dog, the old man dies and gets buried in a cemetery, and then the dog keeps breaking into the cemetery to lie on the freshly covered grave. The idea that the dog knows his owner

Every series, always. Waiting between episodes is for grandparents.

This! A thousand times, this!

I learned that on a Carnival cruise when I couldn't decide on a dessert. The waiter offered to bring one of each. They were both excellent.

I used the sticker method for a couple years after graduating, but just to get into campus film society screenings.

If the officer asks "Do you know why I'm standing here?" don't answer "Because you got all Cs in high school?" (Sarah Silverman)

I keep my penny jar at work. If I want a donut or after-lunch candybar (when I know I shouldn't) I make myself pay with pennies. Often the nuisance of counting them out stops me.

For hoverers, I just IM someone nearby to call my phone, then pretend it's an important call.

I can definitely see the pixels.

I was at the Vegas convention last year where he filmed a lot of this. When the cameras were on he was the The Shat everyone knows and loves....but as soon as they turned off he was a prick.

Still a better love story than 'Twilight'.