Smoking Mirror

Well, I think it's a matter of minimalist re-designs of posters and covers being such a cliched concept at this point that everyone has built up a "this better be fucking good" attitude towards them. It's such a no-brainer form of art that people set the bar higher, and these aren't particularly striking.

If there's one thing that'll sell a movie to an audience, it's a poster that makes no sense until you've seen the movie.


It shows up quite a bit in fiction, due to it being true.

Eh, that goes the other way into Rousseau-esque romanticism. I mean, a lot of primitive societies, such as Amazonians and some peoples in Papau New Guinea, tend to have horribly high murder-rates.

Also, while the Doctor has always really just been a Space Englishman, and all that "Time Lord" and "Gallyfrean" stuff just window decorating, he is never more insufferably Anglocentric in …Ish, and it's amazing to behold.

I'd like to chime in and maybe add "…Ish," which is fun just for the nigh-Wildesque wordplay and for having the weirdest, most Dada antagonist in Doctor Who history, though it does fall apart at the climax because I couldn't even begin to visualize what was going on.

Yo, remember that time she turned invisible once, somehow?

"What little we do learn is horribly contradictory: namely, the notion
that a people so impossible advanced as to build a wormhole-traversing
starship would be so cruel as to hold the crew’s family hostage to
ensure their good conduct."

OK, sorry I offended you. I did not even think of butthurt as a homophobic phrase - I am queer, myself - and did not realize that posting a joke about how author's ambitions sometimes grow out of their original plans was worthy of censure, either. I understand that sometimes people are offended by dark humor, such as

The Dune bit is actually true, and the Virginia Wolf bit is a joke, so maybe lube up if you're that easily butthurt..

Dune was originally supposed to be an article on desert ecology, and all of Virginia Wolf's works began as One Direction fan fics.

The Red Viper Diaries

It's really not crazy at all. There's a gigantic brother at the monestary digging graves and hiding his face, the Septon is very evasive on the subject of the Hound literally dying, and the Hound's horse is in the stable. It's on the same level as the Frey Pie.

The scary thing about the Mountain is that most of the villains in the series would be nothing if stripped of land and title. Joffrey and Viserys were losers, Ramsey's a freak protected by his dad, and Tywin and Littlefinger are brilliant, but ultimate just guys who needed some foot in the door to get anywhere. The

Man, this feels a lot like China Miéville's Iron Council. But the evil government of the city is running the Perpetual Train instead of the rebellion. And no golem-makers and whisper wizards.

I love that guy. He fucking brutalized that Narn in the most effete, Centauri way possible.

You had hopes for Neelix, MD?

Kurn got Rickon'd so hard.

Capt. Maxwell was one of the best of the string of antagonistic captains and admirals on TNG. He was so affable, had a great relationship with O'Brien, and, in the end, right, so it was a shame they never followed up on him.