
It had not occurred to me to look at it that way!

So how was it different from the first.

10:1 he’s gonna tinker with the monitor and get sent back for probation violation. This kid still believes rules are for other people.

New Democratic motto—Badass or Whiny Little: The Choice of Bitch is Yours.

thank you

horsehair mattress stuffed with molding copies of Hustler

So glad someone mentioned Huppert (whom I love). But she only offers up what I call “deadface”. And when it works, it really works.

Yeah, it is still fucked. There is a lot of construction going on, but it is too little too late. People are flooding in. They’ll never catch up. I’m glad I don’t live in that mess.

I wish I could take credit for it, but my husband stole it from Twitter and sent it to me after hearing me rant about A Little Life. I seriously can’t remember the last novel I read that was over 500 pages long that needed to be that long. Even when I’ve liked loooooong books, they usually feel like they’d only be

Right? I don’t know what’s led to this change within the publishing industry, but you can definitely look at the To Kill A Mockingbird “follow-up” as an example of what a good editor could and should do. Tay Hohoff read Go Set a Watchman and sent Harper Lee back to write a better book. If you can get past that whole

Yes! I get that she wanted to show us this dichotomy of how screwed up he was psychologically despite having this unbelievable support system and this unbelievably successful career (unbelievable in the most literal sense, because all his friends loved him so faithfully for so long, and none of his trauma affected his

I got married last year and did a similar deal, the ceremony was immediate family only. Everyone else was invited to the reception. (And another party. And a picnic. But only because we figured if they were in town we should have shit for them to do. Plus, it afforded us more time with our out of town guests.) People

Thank you! My ceremony was family only and wouldn’t have happened at all except my husband insisted. I wanted to go to the courthouse because if there’s something I loathe it’s being the center of attention.

Hell, even Myrcella had to be the one with the guts to acknowledge “Hey Uncle-Dad, it’s okay you’re my Uncle-Dad. You know, because of sleeping with Mom who’s your sister.”

I think editing in general really isn’t getting the respect it deserves recently (or I’m getting old and grouchy, one of the two) in both film and books. There have been so many times reading or at the theater that I have actually thought “that’s weird, I wonder why that got left in?” even in otherwise wonderful

Wait, Suri is 10?! Where did that decade go? You kids get off my lawn!

Celebrities who use their power (the media listening to their side and their fans who will find your social media and harass you to no end) to continue arguments with regular non-famous people really bother me. It's totally possible the bartender was an asshole but the imbalance of power here just skeeves me out and

I am such a book snob, but I feel like too many people love A Little Life for no other reason than because it’s sad. And they think it’s good because it’s long. It has moments of brilliance, but it most definitely needed an editor to run through it with a machete.

“In its historic sense, the ring signified possession rather than partnership,”