
Women watch more tv, and also buy more consumer goods. Why on earth would you cater to a group that doesn’t want to watch scripted tv and also doesn’t do their own shopping?

Exactly. My boss and (all-woman) team at work have lengthy discussions multiple times a day about the specifics of their workouts and what they eat and OMG how BAD they are when they deviate from 24/7 kale and yoga. Also, clothes, cosmetics and the hot new restaurants that they went to. That’s all they want to talk

Yes. Same. I have social anxiety in most groups, but I’ve had full on attacks while circling conversations at baby and wedding showers and some book clubs. I hear alot of one-upping on perfect kids, husbands that are rich and have big dicks, hard bodies, etc.

Some girls just don’t fit in with the group from an early age, I think it tends to form your character. As a kid other girls absolutely didn’t stand me, and I wasn’t keen on fitting in, either. They seemed like really hard work for me, like everything was a competition for something. I had guy friends, mostly.

I have serious issues with my own (as does Jen and I think, Chelsea), but Angelina could not have been closer to her mother. And it looks like it’ll be the same with her daughters. That’s a girl’s girl’s girl in my book.

Yes! You articulated this a lot better than I could have. I sometimes feel left out of (what you described so well as) that ‘apex’ of female friendship: a group of BFFs who party together and all support one another and shop and gossip and go on wine tastings. But, it’s just not my comfort zone. I have a small group


Jennifer Aniston’s friend army to me is just an older version of Taylor Swift’s posse of plastics. Catty, fake girl power, mean girls, that spend their time shit-talking people (mostly women), who pretty much ignore them.

Exactly. The few female friends (FFFs I guess) I have are wonderful women (WWs - jeez with this alliteration, it’s not intentional). There are no doubt other WWs out there. The women I’m deliberately not friends with are assholes (lookin’ at you co-workers). I mean, I’m an asshole, too. But our respective types of

Traffic engineers are not a federally protected class.

One of her classmates would have outed her by now if she really was lying and they haven`t.She is 25.She should just show people her passport to stop all the speculation.

I went to HS with her. I don’t keep old copies of the Somersetonian (our pretentious private school’s version of a year book - Australia doesn’t do year books like americans do) around, but I was in her sisters class and we graduated in Nov 2003. Margot was just starting High School (Grade 8 in Australia) when we

I went to Somerset College (high school) with Margot Robbie. Her sister Anya was in my grade. Margot was in grade 8 when I graduated. I’m 30 this year, ergo, Margot is 25 going on 26. She could not possibly be 30 or she would have been in my class and a twin with her sister Anya.

I work at the University of Alabama, which is in the news at least five times a year for unconscionable displays of racism perpetrated by fraternities and sororities. I see these kids day in and day out. They are proudly racist in everything they do, and are deeply despised by POC and everyone who’s reasonable and

Nailed it

Dirty Dancing has a progressive abortion subplot.

This is one of the reasons I kind of like the expression. You can put any verb in there! “I cannot hang with her anymore.” “I cannot be patient with her anymore.” “I cannot eat her anymore.” Choose your own adventure!

100% i would have had no idea she was trying to do black face-lite

I’m sorry, hold the phone, let’s back up. I’m have a master’s in urban planning and we somehow never covered the topic of Houston not having zoning codes. That’s terrifying and fascinating to me. I’m probably going to spend the rest of my Friday afternoon in that rabbit hole of codes and research...

This kind of behavior is not seen as “ridiculously dumb” down here. It’s “celebrating heritage.”