ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks
“If my dog doesn’t like you, I don’t like you” isn’t logically equivalent to “If my dog likes you, I like you.”
Isn’t that Johnathan Groff and, if so, I thought he was gay?
I would like to take this moment and come out as strongly team arugula.
She’s really cute and she also looks like a lego.
...“Lazy Sunday” aired in the winter of 2005. I remember it vividly. I watched SNL cross-legged on the floor of my parents’ family room and watched, mouth agape. It was like nothing I had seen before, but in fairness, I was 14.
I really want to see the writers room with the wall where Jez staffers keep track of the phrases used to describe him, categorized by food and individually indexed by ick factor.
I totally get that.
I’m not even trying to be rude or anything but is that the same woman in the first picture or is it three different women?
Also, Glen Hubbard is a total asshole. He was interviewed for The Inside Job and he comes off as a cold dickwadd.
It’s totally believable that they’d do this to avoid Hard Knocks. Jeff Fisher has a history of avoiding distractions from the regular season like preseason TV shows or postseason playoff games.
Yeah, but apparently not real enough. Also, my only-partly-humorous proposal is that all of the graduate schools be shut down, and any business-related education pushed down into undergrad. Also, I don’t consider an investment house to be an actual business. It’s more like masturbating with money! Now, get Grandma her…
Austen + Stillman! Someone got peanut butter on my chocolate!
I don’t think you actually read Deadspin.
I wonder whether it might not have been adulterated somehow? And/or whether he was on other medications/psychotropics that may have combined badly?
Hilary Swank seems nice*, good for her.
Counterpoint the sequel: If you don’t know how to use a turn signal, why the hell would I assume you know how to use a turning lane?
Can you imagine a more movie-star move than gifting someone a bottle of your preferred perfume?
Yup, rip off the Band Aid. Something tells me this woman and her children would be much better off in the long run if she never saw this fucker again. Harboring that level of anger and resentment towards your wife whose only “crime” was daring to improve the family finances is terrifying. Even more frightening that he…
Don’t bother with the dishwasher cleaner. Vinegar does the same thing. Put a cup of vinegar in the top rack and run a cycle.