Why is it “worse” if his infidelities were with same sex partners? Infidelity hurts no matter who the cheater has cheated with.
Why is it “worse” if his infidelities were with same sex partners? Infidelity hurts no matter who the cheater has cheated with.
$10 says the human DNA was the result of injuries on the production line. 10 to 1 odds on an asshole supervisor keeping the line running anyway so they didn’t have to throw the batch and lose profit, 5 to 1 odds on the worker concealing the contamination because they weren’t following safety protocols (with a wink…
Hey, sure. Why not. LA twice couldn’t support one team enough to keep it from leaving. I’m sure three won’t be a problem.
I don’t have a history of snarking at writers and I hope you don’t take my comment that way. I’m just not sure about that first sentence in your second paragraph.
Also zendaya looks beautiful and hot as fuck in the real picture. I don't understand
You look ridiculous in this conversation. Infidelity clauses (or “anti-cheating” clauses as you so delicately put them) don’t void entire prenups. Infidelity clauses typically provide for a one-time payment to the spouse who was cheated on, or require the waiving of alimony if the spouse who would receive it cheats.…
lol what law skewl did u go 2
I didn’t think you could get worse, but here you go: no, she wasn’t “cheating on him,” they were both free to date and/or fuck whoever they wanted as a separated couple getting a divorce.
This has nothing to do with the tweet beat but, I really need to know if anyone actually bought that goddamn hoodie and if it’s really good.
Oh, Jesus will get you off. You will definitely come to Jesus.
But he was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!
I was just thinking the same thing. Playboy has been a far superior journal when compared to GQ, Esquire, or Rolling Stone. Considering they have had geniuses like Shel Silverstein gracing their pages decades before GQ even thought of moving outside of mens fashion.
They’re an easy target to dismiss though, because…
Work on your basic communication comprehension. Because I can honestly say, after reading both your post and all of posts in that entire line, that you have no clue how communication works, what the job of a judge actually is, or what “fair and impartial” mean within the legal system and why your comments on what the…
Impartial, in part, means not showing any favoritism to either side. The victim, in this case, defied a court order; if the defendant had done that, he would be in jail for contempt of court. And keep in mind the mental state of the defendant would never have mattered to the judge as long as he was mentally competent…
I think you should look into actual details, but for me the summation is that rather than really working to reduce or eliminate suffering, she celebrated it as something to “offer up” to god.
Not surprising considering the history and real legacy of Mother Theresa. Just following in her footsteps of actually hurting people instead of really helping. Luckily there are loads of amazing and cool nuns, but Mother Theresa and her order were/are not these people.
For a lot of people there does seem to be a hierarchy of GL > B > T. Maybe another split with gay men set above lesbians - not sure about that.
. . . have you ever seen a flaccid dick before? This one isn’t huge but it’s probably a bit larger than average (which doesn’t really have any bearing on how big it is when it counts anyway).
I choose to believe that the headline is a sly, jokey reference to the phenomenon wherein teens scramble to comment “first” as soon as their fave posts content to social media.