This is so horrifying. They were doing a damn puff piece about tourism and then this happens. And for the poor in studio people to have to report on it live. Ugh.
This is so horrifying. They were doing a damn puff piece about tourism and then this happens. And for the poor in studio people to have to report on it live. Ugh.
I want a banner that reads, “Drop off your sons here! No need to worry about unplanned pregnancy #heteroflexible #twobeers”
“Who is Alanis?”
Perhaps she should have cut the pizza delivery scene before submitting the final draft.
That was clearly a dumb sexist thing to say.
Not the good ones.
Typical mail behavior.
Fallon spent 10 days in the ICU for a hurt finger? Is that a joke?
Okay. I want to say that I hope you never find yourself trapped in a sexless and unhappy relationship, but I kind of do just so I can see how far your idealism would take you under those circumstances.
Because so many people around here advocate for a person having the right to live as they want without outside interference or judgement. And here we are, acting like cheating is the worst crime ever and finding endless reasons to rationalize why we should get to have an opinion about other people’s relationships and…
The Kardashians would have to do something really, really REALLY awful for me to hate them more than the people who constantly post on Kardashian articles about how much they hate them/don’t care/whatever, then wonder why their social media feeds are full of Kardashian related content. It’s an algorithm dummy.
Haha that’s basically my response. Like LOLOL yeah ok! I’d do my cockney urchin voice and be all OO-ER GUVNAH and you can give me allllll the money. Wtf do I care? The idea that anyone would pay for this delights and amuses me.
Well, there certainly is that too. I keep my work and personal life strictly separate so, I understand what you’re getting at here.
This further proves that Delaware is not a real place.
Yeah, his thesis about Edith Wharton was that she punished her heroines because she wasn’t attractive herself. (Read: not attractive according to Jonathan Franzen.) That’s pretty sexist, buddy!
You talk shit about Edith Wharton, we can take this outside, Franzen. I will kick your ass.
How did we go from Faulkner to Franzen in the hopes to see the Great American Novel? I like my sexist writers talented, please.
Oh fuck this guy, seriously I’m completely done with him. He certainly did trash Edith Wharton - he said she “did have one potentially redeeming disadvantage: she wasn’t pretty.” Fuck you Franzen. I will never read another one of your self-congratulatory bore fests.
I’m considering adopting Jonathan Franzen to better understand why anybody ever gave a shit about this guy.
I wish SPY Magazine were still around to hate him the way they hated Jay McInernery. Franzen is so much more mockable; it’s almost too easy.