I often put the condom on for them. That alleviates the “waiting awkwardly” moment, makes things a little sexier, and ensures it’s on correctly.
I often put the condom on for them. That alleviates the “waiting awkwardly” moment, makes things a little sexier, and ensures it’s on correctly.
#WellActually #NotAllGawkerverseWriters #JustPlayingDevilsAdvocate #WhyArentYouRidingMyDick #YouOweMe #IWasNiceToYouForTwoSeconds #ThisIsWhyNobodyLikesYou #ItsNotLikeAnyoneElseWouldEverWantYou #ComeOnGiveMeAnotherChance #ImReallyANiceGuy #OnceYouGetToKnowMe #HereDrinkThis #ItsNotRapeIfYouCantSayNo
In case people thought the last quote was a little cryptic, the Fertitta brothers who are the principle owners of Zuffa, the company which owns the UFC, (Dana White the bald embodiment of screaming hyperbolic build up is a 10% owner and serves as the face) are the owners of the Station Casinos and have been fighting…
“We don’t want to piss off our star or make her look bad, but people keep asking us this question. So here’s some words strung together than mean nothing and we hope that you all will STFU about it.”
A++. Why can’t white progressive critics understand something so elementary? Just because his stances are progressive doesn’t mean they address social bigotry and institutional racism. Just because Sanders himself is not racist does not mean his platform automatically addresses key issues for African Americans.…
I get the feeling that wouldbe racist white shooters would generally stay away from a theater full of possibly strapped gangsta rap enthusiasts. A Straight Outta Compton theater: the safest place in Amerikkka. Who knew.
Let’s be real, they did not hire extra security because of theater shootings. They hired extra security because they expected high turn outs of African Americans to a movie they thought would get us riled up in this time of unrest. Which is fucked up because we’re not the ones shooting up theaters. It's connected more…
EXACT same situation with me. When my MIL confronted me about my husband’s lack of thank-you notes, I explained it the same way: I wrote mine and he wrote his and my family is HUGE. My mom is one of 9 kids and my dad is one of 10 kids and MOST of my aunts, uncles, and cousins came to my reception. I wrote…
God, remember Thatz Not Okay? I miss that column.
We had two gifts become detached from their cards between the hotel reception venue and home. More people attended the wedding than gifts received so simple deduction couldn’t help us figure out who gave them. We sent thank-yous to everyone, gift-specific or simply ‘thanks for sharing our special day.’ No one came…
I was in my best friend since kindergarten’s wedding last year. She knew I had financial problems and instead of an expensive gift, she asked me to paint her a fingerprint tree for her guest book. I was so relieved to be able to spent so little and give her something I knew she would treasure forever instead. Her…
Im a guy, and I dont care for deep throating.
I think a lot of what goes on with guys is just porn overexposure. Lots of deep throat, lots of gagging, and the performers all doing it with a smile. And guys don’t grok that A) those women are pros; and B) there’s a whole lot of lube in those shots.
That girl on the left must have straight-up hated Laura Jeanne, because that is not an appropriate support pose.
I’m not convinced of the neck and head stuff, but the corneal laceration and vision damage is totally plausible. It doesn’t take much to injure a cornea and that kind of injury leads to cataracts and infection. I see it more often than you think. Cornea injures are easier to do than you think, someone can rub their…
I would die for a hug from Dolly Parton. She is so awesome.
I don’t have a house either! RENTERS REPRESENTTTTTT.
Maybe not Pitt, but Leo is absolutely, 100% a dumb ass doing dumb ass things all the time.
I promise you that electric blue is mostly MAC’s Deep Truth. I’m sure there are other things thrown in there but I recognize Deep Truth the way a mother fur seal recognizes the call of her lost pup from an entire island away. I’d be willing to be there’s some Plumage worked around the outer corner, but Deep Truth.…