
There is no sense in retaining anti-white employees, they are useless people in any employment. I know you want to believe you do something at your job, but you’ve simply been given a place in society so that you don’t complain. Now that you’ve all started hysterically screeching and have openly picked a race war,

But you talk about X every day because you’re a racist, you see successful and innovative white men, and you spend every waking moment of your pathetic life obsessing about them

You’re the noise dumbo

Your life is a gaslight

Let me guess, you’re one of those narcissist’s prepared to die on wet market hill? 

Anti-white conspiracy theorist

Complaining about white people isnt a talent, its just a hustle for the stupid among us

In a lot of situations that's true but it's completely false here. Bungie has the money and resources to develop their own game. They were working on destiny before they sought a publisher. They weren't commissioned. This is their game and Activision gets to publish it. It might be rare for the devoloper to be in

In a lot of situations that's true but it's completely false here. Bungie has the money and resources to develop their own game. They were working on destiny before they sought a publisher. They weren't commissioned. This is their game and Activision gets to publish it. It might be rare for the devoloper to be in