
I did this at my first time at sushi.  I was a 23 year old management trainee in the office with a bunch of seasoned sales people.  I thought it was avocado and put the whole ball on my first piece.  I thought I was going to die but was way too embarrassed to say anything or draw attention to myself.  I told friends

I wasn’t able to find it anywhere else, but yes, slightly grainy in SD seems appropriate.

I found a somewhat blurry version on YouTube. Is there a better streaming service for it? I am hoping that it’s got some King of Kong flavor. It sounds similar. Thanks for the reco! :)

Sounds like the public that I know.  Definitely.

I saw this shared the other day. My sister works in enforcement so her days are filled with people yelling at her, calling her names, and being rude.

Omigod. I was buying knock off Dolly Madison pies!

We used velveeta when I was a kid. It was so thick and gooey and never separated.

Omigod.  Hostess pies.  I remember when my dad would take us to the store to buy “dessert” and we were able to venture beyond the candy aisle and choose a hostess dessert.  The pies were the most bang for the buck.  My sister would get chocolate (gag!).  I loved apple.  If I recall, they had the peanuts gang on the

I resemble that remark.

Same here except she would boil them and serve them with Miracle Whip and other salad dressings.  We just didn’t eat the parts that weren’t edible...

I feel the same way and I was internally chastising myself for it. My mask is pretty tight and already makes me anxious so when I am walking around and people are banging their carts into mine or just leaving their cart and wandering off, I start to get agitated. Then my husband who loves grocery shopping just

Interesting. My guess is the latter as I would wait until Monday to visit the doctor. The onset of symptoms isn’t necessarily when you caught it so I am not sure about that date either. CA is seeing an increase of cases and my coworker thinks that may be due to people that went out at Easter.

Aren’t analytics the best?

Skillet and knife. I use my non-stick skillet and a knife almost every night.

I will ABSOLUTELY miss my wooden spoon though.  I can feel it looking at me right now.  Sorry, little buddy.  You’re number 3.

Neither the dog nor the cat alerted me to anything. I only noticed the smell and then when I went to the refrigerator (because the fridge is the first destination when I get home), I felt the warmth.

Technically not MY injury, but dumb all the same.

I once grabbed the range grate after cooking to clean the stove and like a moron grabbed it with my bare hands.  I heard the sizzle before I felt the pain.  Oy, did that hurt!