
My husband left the water kettle on one time and left for work.  It was on ALL day.  When I got home, I went into the kitchen and felt warm and smelled like burnt plastic.  All of the water had evaporated and all of the plastic on the kettle had melted.  However, there was no fire.  We were so lucky.  My husband got a

I was due to go to Paso for my birthday before this all came down but I bought wines from the places that were were going to visit: Turley, AronHill, Donati, and Law. Law is very expensive but there were some reasonable wines at the other places.

When I went to school there they told us that it was because of pollution. The lack of drive throughs was why the In n Out had to open in Atascadero.

Portuguese Bend Distillery (Long Beach, CA):

Portuguese Bend Distilling (Long Beach, CA):

I’ve been going to Michael’s every few days. They are even selling their toilet paper.

This blog tracks all the restaurants that have converted to markets (that have reached out) in Long Beach, CA.

I have been fortunate enough to see this with the LA Phil at the Hollywood Bowl AND to see John Williams conduct music from the movie WITH Steven Spielberg as the special guest.  It was amazing.

Gangs of New York?

Chimay says, with me, you will never drink alone.

I love the Bowl. We just saw Raiders of the Lost Ark there in August. This time I splurged for “super seats.”

Zellie, I was there too. She is STILL amazing. It was a great venue for her and that show.


No video because it took forever and we weren’t there but here is a picture of it raised and moved back. 50 feet is an exaggeration...maybe it was only 20 feet. The second picture shows it lifted but not moved. The third picture shows the deck that was also raised.

I didn’t leave the water out, mosquitoes and all that, but I can confirm that NOTHING fell over.

We had to lift our lake cottage 8 feet and then move it back 50 feet, replace the foundation and then move it back. The windows were fine. In fact, the lifter said that there was no need to clear the shelves of knick knacks or to remove glasses from the china hutch. He told us we could leave a glass filled with

I have been terrified to bring this up to my friends because I didn’t need to hear about how they felt bad for me. The closest that I got is mentioning that I’ve got some problems with pain during intercourse and am hoping that the meds (Osphena) help. Not sure if they help because we do go a while in between so I’m

Maybe it’s because I need a nap, but I just teared up.

OMG. I’m not alone? I thought we were the only couple on the downhill side of mid-40's who aren’t having sex on a super regular basis.

OMG. I’m not alone? I thought we were the only couple on the downhill side of mid-40's who aren’t having sex on a super regular basis.

I think this is my personal motto from here on out.