
Several years back I was in the market for an E46 ///M3 and had a hookup through a friend with a dealer license to shop the auctions. The procedure was basically for me to find a car going to auction soon, then my friend would bid on it based on my input regarding how much I was willing to pay for that particular car.

Both hands on the wheel, at 10 & 2 or even 11 & 1. Usually accompanied by a bolt-upright, hunched-over-the-wheel posture, and an inability to make any subtle steering correction. Test it out yourself if you like. It is impossible to drive smoothly with this setup. Dead giveaway for a driver who lacks confidence and is

My car blew its head gasket right before a planned road trip to visit some friends with my then-girlfriend-now-wife, so I asked my dad to let me borrow his car for the trip and he said yes. This was a bit unexpected because his car was a corvette, and I shot for that but figured I’d probably end up being able to

Let me tell you about the day I learned that everything is relative.