
Celebrities, they’re just like us.

CP hated Austin and Doc? I wonder what his Deadspin username was...

This take is only 50% correct, but that 50% is 100% correct.

Do you understand the difference between drafting well and three superstars in their prime colluding to join forces in free agency?

Why does Deadspin always have to have a pissing contest with The Ringer? Seriously do you guys have to rip into Bill Simmons in order to get hard or something like that?

Buck’s in a tough spot. He wants the Orioles to win the world series, but he knows that his teams don’t win until the year after he leaves. You think he would’ve thought of that before he invented baseball. Guess not.

That’s exactly it. The way he swings his dick around, and then throws his hands up and pretends he has nothing to do with any of that when things don’t go as planned.

I agree it was a bad possession and a bad shot from Kyrie, but this is what they did the entire 4th quarter. Lebron was gassed, and he deferred to Kyrie. And when Lebron did have the ball, he’d practically get to the rim and kick it out. If Lebron wants that ball, he needs to come get it. He pussed out.

LeBron has no one to blame except himself. He’s a terrible coach and GM.

Me and Lebron are very similar in one regard: I have a puppy who i cant leave alone for any stretches of time without shit getting fucked up, lebron can’t leave a game for 2 fucking minutes without his team being -12.

Alone? He has two other all stars on the team and a roster of guys he basically signed by forcing management to get or retain with implied threats of leaving and has his hand picked coach. This entire organization and team is Lebron’s creation.

I think the real news here is that the Reds bothered to produce a financially significant number of Scooter Gennett jerseys for the team shop.

Uniform numbers should never be retired by any team. Retire a jersey, hang something on a wall or a ring of honor or something, but don’t retire the number.

Deadspin’s collective hatred for Simmons sometimes clouds your collective judgment. I don’t think he was wrong about any of this, and if someone you respect said it, you would likely just nod and move on with your life instead of writing and an entire post needlessly shitting on him.

this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.

Agree completely. I just couldn’t take the over commercialization any more. That and the face-humping of Cris Carter was just too much for me to handle. CC has awful, irresponsible takes! The whole world knows this!