
I think what I was expecting more of from Fallout 4 was more subway systems. I was expecting lengthy crawls through vast subway systems like Fallout 3 had, but BETTER. Like Metro 2033 or something, with cities and communities. But most of the subways in Fallout 4 are tiny loops that just lead you back to where you

I did just want more, yeah!

It’s a pretty good rendition of what many Americans thinks the Earth looks like, lol.

My issue with FO4's map wasn’t that it was uninteresting, it was that it quickly abandoned the idea of there being distinct towns other than the Boston/Cambridge/Somerville metropolis. I really enjoyed that you start the game visiting an actual New England town, Concord. It’s got a downtown, it’s got streets, it looks

The area itself in Fallout4 is interesting, its just that the story and what you do in there is not interesting because everything is so goddam shallow and non existing. Diamon City is awesome idea but they really did not use that to its full advantage. I hope Obsidian does new Fallout and they are given time to

now only if the FO4 world was interesting.