
Wait till eps 8 and 9


Just finished the season, gotta say I heavily disagree with the B+. I felt like Season 2 was bigger, better and bolder than season 1 and I thoroughly enjoyed every episode. Episode 9 might even be an early contender for my favorite TV episode of the year. Absolutely worth the 18 month (holy shit its been that long?)

I mean if they both get to like final 5 or 6 with someone from their alliance its auto immunity for 3 people so I hope one of them goes with an idol

but evolution of the game!!!!!!!

And Michaela too I guess

This post merge is so… bland and uninspiring. "Reinventing How This Game Is Played" my ass, both MvGX and Kaoh Rong had semi-pagongings in the postmerge and they were wayyy more entertaining than this. Tai and Aubry's edits need to pick up soon, they're the only interesting characters left apart from Cirie.

Sorry but that definitely did not resemble a winners edit. Yes she broke down but during the whole segment Cochran was trashtalking her and there is no way shes winning after her OTTNN episode last week

Oh agreed 100% and I hope to god it's an out of context quote but this did feel slightly ominous.

This…was not what I wanted to hear

I love Philippines but yeah I think Kaoh Rong has been better in incorporating every castaway into the story.I think the characters have been developed much better too.Philippines did have the Kalabaw women who were shafted by the editing until their respective boot episodes.

I too waste my time by clicking on articles about shows I don't watch or like and commenting on it as if my opinion is fact.

Yep and it was very unpleasant to watch,though the low point of the season is the disgusting reactions from the Chapera tribe(minus Alicia) to Sue's quit.

oh man Butch <3333

I felt like they didn't quite know what to do with Zarek after season 2.

Definitely.There's no "Rudy's Rowdy Kitchen" signs or Colby's Texas flags anymore

I think people have a perception of Survivor as just "a game show on an island" or "Big Brother on an island".It's so much more than that.Each season is an unique story with heroes,villains and complex characters.For some seasons the story is non-existent and it's all about "the game" but as someone who looked down at

I feel like Kaoh Rong has the best balance of strategy and storytelling the show has seen in years.

S6 The Amazon

Season 8 is one of the worst IMO. Nobody remembers Boston Rob was an absolute asshole who played a horrible game.