
Look, I was trying to back you up. I hate staring at flashing lights so I do my best not to get pulled over, and I hate flashing brake lights because they're always on cars driven by people who don't know how their brakes work. Go be a dick to someone else.

And some of us just get migraines. It works as a pretty good deterrent to not drive like an idiot.

I take mine skiing here in CO and it's the best car I've driven in the mountains. There's something to be said for being able to accelerate uphill in the snow at 12,000 feet! Just don't run over any ice chunks bigger than 4in high :)

Watching the people just wander around as cars were flying toward them was nerve-wracking.

To me, the blue on that example looks like painter’s tape. It looks more intentional against the white. But I’m far from artistically inclined!

Exactly...I want to see him try the “bigger balls” argument when he’s put Keselowski into the wall.

Anyone else want to see what happens if Crashtor brings his magic to NASCAR instead?

And why would she have to be good looking?

Brilliant! I learned something today, thanks!

Between the medical emergencies I've had over the past 6 years and the $20K or so in emergency home repairs, I'm happy I can afford to make payments on a car loan. Cash up front was out of the question.

Seriously. I adore my car and I’m thankful for it. But my brother just got a well-maintained, 18-year-old Camry with 80,000 miles on it for $600, and I would’ve snapped that up in a heartbeat if it was for sale when I was looking. He’s got another 15+ years of reliable transportation and plenty of money left for

Sorry, it got kinja’d for me. I have to type like a sloth for sentences to come out coherently on mobile this morning too. Freaking annoying.

Colorado will blood test you. The limit is 5 nanograms THC. But they can cite you for impaired driving regardless, and there are plenty of arguments both ways on the variations in metabolizing THC (I’m not in the mood to open Pandora’s box right now)

That's the first I've seen about the Sawaya cab reimbursement. Good on them! I think RTD is also offering free rides tonight.

Yeah, my dad has two 80s Accords and can swap the keys. But those are easy enough to steal regardless.

This made my night.

I just spit out my coffee.

Maybe. That means I have until at least 2021 until I have to worry about it.

Where is the assumption? I dislike backup cameras, and I’ve driven vehicles with them. I also disliked the need for them in those vehicles. Yeah, alright, it’s a nice feature in a delivery van with no windows, but I’d rather just have the visibility I had in my late-90s cars.

Yeah the backup camera comment annoyed me. How about you just make cars I can see out of instead?