duodena rectorially ?
duodena rectorially ?
Another case of Asimov’s Cult of Ignorance - “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.
Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.
He knows that hotline won’t bling...
The women who came forward are SO FRICKING BRAVE.
Ivanka isn’t hiding anything from him. She’s more likely to be composing his tweets.
I was pretty solidly on Team Nobody yesterday, and slowly overnight Taylor's supporters are pushing me toward Team Kimye, and I don't like it! Dear Team Taylor: Please just stop typing things.
I don’t care whose side you’re on, dragging a toddler into this fight is disgusting. If you think being an adult means getting back at someone by ‘looking out’ for their kid, then you’re doing it wrong.
Agreed, that garbage was sanctimonious and disingenuous as all get out.
That’s crap. How is an adult bringing other adults onto a set creepy and uncomfortable?
Yes, of course they may. But not on a nationally televised talk show.
I’m not sold on her as an awesome person so much as a talented comedian who happens to champion some of the same issues as me, so maybe?
The Amies and Tina are great because there’s so few mainstream female comedians who pushback on gender issues in legitimately funny ways, but they’re still pretty up their own asses…